
As a dude, when you’re done with having more kids, get the damn vasectomy. My wife is pregnant with the first. But, my mom got pregnant after I was born, 2nd time dealing with post-partem (also not a lot of money), she got an abortion. My dad also went out, sacked up, and got snipped. Husbands, do not recommend tube

Don’t blame Gen Z for that. Just talk to anyone about Fight Club in Millennial / Gen X for that same thing. Or American Psycho, or Wolf of Wall Street, well we’re fucked.

I’d argue my English teacher telling me Catcher in the Rye is an anti-war novel. Though in writing this comment I see Salinger wrote it while getting over PTSD. But my English teacher did not contextualize the author, at the time.

The other problem is simply, people don’t go to theaters as much anymore (they already weren’t before the pandemic). People bought the nice TVs and sound systems. Are they even advertising that “3-D Fusion Camera?” First I’ve heard of it. Why am I going to a theater to watch this?

To be fair, Unobtanium was a term used by scientists in the 1950s. It generally just refers to hard to get or rare materials. It sounds eyerolling, but it belongs in science fiction.

I kind of like Halo 4 multiplayer for that. Power weapons were marked on the map. You got extra random ordinances for doing well. But nothing felt unbalanced. It was an everyone is equal sort of playground.

Ugh, I’ve always had Winter Soldier #1. I want to give #1 to Infinity War or Avengers 1. That’s simply because of the amount of effort it took to pull off, execute, and succeed. But damnit Winter Soldier is it.

I was more implying a hand-in-hand situation. If one is susceptible, probably to another too.

There’s a cult documentary on Netflix for the man who originated hot yoga. I don’t think it’s the deflection she thinks it is.

Have there been many movies based on book series that have been remade? 

Don’t worry she cleaned that up with a throwaway sentence about how every time-turner in the world happened to be in one room at the ministry of magic. Then that room caught fire.

Shit, there are photos and video of Bradley Copper, Tyler Perry and Denzel Washington “consoling” Will. Giving him hugs and talking him down. I don’t say that it didn’t happen, but I haven’t seen anything about anyone consoling Jada (who Will was supposed to be defending, because she was hurt).

The case doesn’t say if the white campers were also under any influence of shrooms or alcohol or THC (doesn’t say they were tested). Why were they not tested? Could it be equally plausible that they had a bad trip and imagined the threat and killed Spencer?

I had an ex in highschool send me photos once. I hadn’t spoken to her in a while and she said it was vile. It was the interior of a house fire. Turns out it was her house and her sister died in the fire. The firemen had posted the pictures to the internet. There were some terrible comments on the photos.

Sounded like Eric Andre’s scream when the dude got cattle prodded.

I’m of two minds. I don’t miss my coworkers. But my wife is in the medical field, so she’s gone all day and it’s just me and my dog. But I do long for some small, regular conversation.

My experience so far is that there are tons of staff shortages. It isn’t normal, according to my sister who lives here.

Is that really that bad? Like, it’s a bit uncomfortable to rid your vocabulary of a common phrase. But, “Inappropriate,” “Read the room,” “not cool” are all alternatives. Maybe it just isn’t a necessary phrase. Just my take.

My Hawaii vacation starts tomorrow. I get to go to O’ahu where there’s a water contamination issue. Fun!

DaVonte Smith won the Heisman last year. He’s 6'0 170 lbs as a pro. He’s killing it. Would kill it more if Siriani wasn’t a ventriloquist dummy.