


a total blackout on the Waukesha drive through massacre

I think this article really does a great job covering Chappelle and predicting his future:


Rian Johnson should be given the keys to the next galaxy. The Last Jedi was great and RJ should’ve been in charge of 7, 8 and 9. You cannot change my mind on this.

The strange part is that it was the last Star Wars movie. Like, they said it was supposed to be a trilogy, but the third movie never materialized. Still, I’m pretty satisfied with the ending of TLJ.

He’s too big for my ego.

That’s why TLJ was so important. It was a big tonal shift. It threw out a lot of the tropes to allow room to breathe. Then people (internet weirdos and russian bots) freaked and Disney doubled down on the JJ and we got the worst Star Wars anything since AotC.

You know what Disney got wrong with Star Wars?

The thing is, that ball started rolling when Abrams took a Skywalker story and, from the opening crawl, vanishes Luke until the last 60 seconds of the film.  Along the way, has Max Kanata tell Rey that “whomever she’s waiting for, they’re never coming back, but there’s someone who can [Luke],” thereby taking those

But no matter how you slice it, Teddy Roosevelt and Taft weren’t conservatives. Not even remotely. So if these are the people you admire and whose policies you embrace, you aren’t conservative. A very old-school Republican, maybe, but not conservative.

The problem with this narrative though is that if Microsoft hadn’t had a separate launch event for the XB1 where they announced this “feature”, they would have announced it at E3 and Sony, having the exact same features already built into the PS4 (really, it was part of the firmware) would have made the same