
No angels here anyway. Messing isn’t as bad as Trump, buuut lets not pretend she doesn’t also have some weird (offensive) views on BLM, and views support for issues as transactional.

That is so accurate. They learned a new thing that they want to lord over inexperienced players with. They lost before and want to win this time around.

All I have learned from this interview is Walter Isaacson is a Star Fucker. He writes about subjects he doesn’t understand and pretends he has insight because he wrote about Jobs and Gates. He then goes on to pretend they’re different people. Dismissing smart people “who don’t do anything” because they lack capital.

You can’t shed office space at the drop of a hat. Leases are quite long-term. Average length is around 10 years for mid to large spaces. Then there are termination options, generally after around 7 years (those dates are laid out and you’re on the hook until then),which come with fees (around a years worth of rent).

Shoot, even Stephen Lang. Ross is a gruff unforgiving general in the comics. Ford is too old.

The actor who plays Terry Silver is literally the same age as Ralph Macchio. Mike Barnes’ actor was 5 years younger. Crazy to think about. 

Also, the elephant in the room is cinema releases were already dying, pre-pandemic. I as a straight-man would see this with my wife. But we don’t go to theaters anymore. She’s pregnant now, so it’s also an issue of, we shouldn’t go to theaters (COVID and Pregnancy don’t mix). I have also waited the 45 days for each

That analogy makes no sense. I can’t even draw a parallel. It’d be more like you were a firefighter and your partner turned out to be an arsonist and endangered your health and your family’s health.

An example of the fucked up patriarchy is to assume she should be ok with giving birth, probably under the assumption of faithfulness, putting her body through changes and potentially death, then you say he cheats and she shouldn’t react violently. 

Been to Cumberland, it’s quite far up river from where I’m from (Great Falls area). It isn’t the cleanest river, but it’s come a long way since I was a kid. People paddle board and kayak all the time.

I think they’re relying on the assumption that 43 kids were born, Hargreeves adopted 7. They assumed at first that, Hargreeves just adopted a new 6 (Ben crossover), due to Hargreeves avoiding them specifically (opens another question of are there a new 43? Since every mother got pregnant and gave birth the same day,

Yeah. Wanda is always a tragic character. She is insanely powerful. But they could’ve let things breathe between Wandavision and Doctor Strange 2.

Well, they did find out much later, that their mom’s were killed before their birth. I don’t recall which episode they figure out that they’ve created a grandfather paradox.

I don’t know if she personally broke the Green Party, I’m wanton to say she was the last legitimate candidate (she wasn’t). But since then Green has been definitively funded by the GOP, Russia too.

Also Joe Lieberman

Don’t forget Jill Stein (had a photographed dinner with Putin and Flynn) was the green party candidate.

I agree and disagree. Girls could both be extremely poignant at times, and masturbatory at others. Some of that is in retrospect with how Lena has acted after the success.

Jared Keeso isn’t a bad fan cast. It’s also funny, (I was young at the time and my mom is a comic nerd and told me) Hugh Jackman was allegedly denied a ticket on a train from the ticket desk. It was because the operator didn’t like how tall Hugh was, being cast as Wolverine. Keep in mind, this is something from the

He can go the Seinfeld route and simply perform for rich charity balls. There is a career there. But, part of the reason that younger folks identify with Carlin is he basically leaned into being old and acted like he was letting everyone else on the secrets that were kept from younger generations. There are ways to

But, like this wasn’t his original idea. It was boasted to be mass transit from Baltimore to DC in 20 minutes at one point (originally NYC to DC in 29 minutes, but lets stick with the reasonable one). Tesla Tunnels aren’t Hyperloops. It’s straight Simpsons monorail bullshit, just deliver something.