
Well, in a roundabout way, they aren’t always bad (I don’t support mandatory minimums). The issue arises that mandatory minimums aren’t applied to a number of damaging crimes (generally deemed white collar). There aren’t mandatory prison sentences for fraud, or insider trading. Part of the issue is current mandatory

Again, I was simply relating to the original commenter’s experience. For me, I felt alone when all my friends said it would help with sleep. It did not, for me.

Funny thing was my own homemade edibles were my best sleep experience (one of the two I mentioned). Although, I ate a gram and a half, by myself (recovering from surgery and luckily opiates don’t affect me).

I mean, this whole exercise is stupid. He faked a hate crime, he didn’t cause any fake arrests, no one unjustly went to jail for his actions. He wasted Chicago PD resources, made a fool of himself and them. This story should of ended at hoax, he pays his fine, everyone goes home. Lord knows Chicago PD likes to waste

What does the Waukesha drive massacre have to do with The Root?

I don’t know which strain each time, to be honest. But over years, multiple strains, multiple suppliers (it was through friends from different areas), I can probably say I slept great, like twice? I never was a regular user, but intermittent over 2 decades or so.

Sounds like he wasn’t lost, he’s just Vandal Savage.

I’ve had the same issue when I used to smoke. Everyone told me I was crazy when I said I didn’t feel well rested after smoking.

Me too. My first car was a Honda Civic, manual transmission, locks, and windows. I realized real quick, you can’t look sexy rolling down a window by hand.

He does. This is extra.

You joke. But most science degrees are ridiculously underpaid, unless you get a graduate degree, which entails more debt. Are they supposed to give a shit about science, when science can’t put food on the table? A bachelors in biology is literally less lucrative than a communications degree.

To BlindPugh and NutsyMcGee,

It is perfectly fine to make fun of white people. They occupy pretty much every seat of power currently in North America, and have done so since it’s founding (mostly while denying power from minorities). I’m sorry you’re a mediocre white dude who isn’t happy with your life.

Except he said he was “Team TERF,” you know trans exclusionary radical feminist. TERFs do disparage trans women from existing at all. So please elaborate on his intent...

I would say taking your words to a multi-million dollar stage, presented on the second largest world wide streaming platform, is a fucking action. But that’s just me. I didn’t realize Netflix viewers were Chapelle’s friends that he could bust chops with. If that’s the case, maybe he could listen to a few of his

Bill Maher is king of the dinosaur category. He smokes weed, and thinks that’s all it takes to be relevant.

So, Anthony Carrigan playing Feyd exactly like NoHo Hank.

Dungy is a shitty “Promise Keeper.” Look it up, or don’t, its gross evangelical shit.

It is sad that his comments about D Smith (while clearly racist), were brushed off. No one says Rubber Lips.

Hopefully Damon is the exception of the Wayans family. I don’t want to check.