
Chapelle seems to be playing the Jerry Seinfeld card. Jerry said he couldn’t do college shows a few years back. What Jerry failed to realize, is those college kids’ parents found him funny. Of course he wasn’t going to do college shows, ever. He plays charity and award shows for millionaires (at least). Chapelle is

You keep spamming this. Why? This at least the third time i’ve seen you post the Darkseid comic clipping. Jesus, chill.

Fun story. My friend used to work in gambling law enforcement. His biggest, and only notable, bust came from a call from an old lady suspecting her bingo games were rigged. Turns out she was right.

I’d like to insert talk about the couple. Not just whichever one you were related to / friends with first. So many bad speeches.

To be fair to TLJ, they had to start off right after TFA because Abrams left that Luke and Rey cliffhanger at the end of his film. A lot of the faults of TLJ can still be left at the foot of Abrams.

I’d agree with OP it has been done. Fox had 3 R rated superhero films that are years old now. 2 Deadpools and Logan. I still love the superhero stuff, but we’ve already had a full rotation of deconstructing the genre and all.

They did model the Ultimates Fury after Sam Jackson almost a decade prior. The nerds had time to adjust. It is nice that they cast her as Gordon and not creating an alternative version of the character. She deserves to be Batgirl.

I mean they already had continuity errors in the movies. Might as well just introduce time travel and multi-verses. I mean, if we want to get picky, Hela pushed over a fake infinity gauntlet in Ragnarok. The same fake gauntlet that Thanos had already stolen. I’m fine with the multi-verse.

If anything, it’s masturbation.

True. Likely she also just gives a view to her parents’ political views. Like the Ricketts family being disgustingly racist. Paris just gives the public a general view on how the Hiltons perceive the public.

Not to mention somehow being caught on camera hanging out with Jho Low, who was defrauding the entire country of Malaysia.

I dunno. It’s just been lip service (Endgame support group included). Disney is now facing the same criticism that Will & Grace or Ellen faced in the 90s. Does it matter if your characters are queer if we don’t see it? It took Ellen an entire season after coming out for them to have her address sex with another woman.

Well...you should see Kid 90. She looks fondly upon losing her virginity to Charlie Sheen, while being barely 18. Also, there were other red flags all over her personal doc.

But that’s his issue too. He’s a gigantic Nick Cage that says yes to everything. He even tried to have his own version of Entourage on HBO. Dwayne Johnson got high on his own product and never grew. Vin Diesel does it with Fast and Furious.

Reminds me of WKUK’s sketch, “happier and with your mouth open.”

Also, like aren’t heroes selfless? So wouldn’t a hero going down be the selfless move and therefore heroic? Don’t get me wrong, I like to do it. Just sounds like the exec might be a villain.

My classmate in high school desperately tried to connect a butthole surfers song to a poem for an assignment in English. Simply so he could get away with carrying a large poster with “Butthole Surfers” written on it for the entire day.

You can always tell him to look up John Brown. Don’t think anyone would mistake that man for being a pussy. A smidge mentally ill, but badass none the less.

Especially when he doesn’t qualify his opinions as opinions or being uninformed nonsense before he spouts off.

Abrams also clearly didn’t understand star wars in how the trilogies worked. All the other movies had beginning, middles and ends that allowed for years to pass off screen between movies. By ending TFA with Rey and Luke meeting, Rian had to start his movie from that moment. That, I believe, kneecapped the rest of the