
Seriously, the same show cast Henry Rollins as a white supremacist. Don’t think anyone is gonna accuse him of being one in real life.

It's awful. He lifts his shirt to show the gun in his waistband. Isn't that allegedly why Tamir Rice was shot? Isn't that also an overused trope in movies to convey a threat? Fucking unbelievable.

I watched the live press conference. The DA showed video where Gardner’s father pushed people which started the confrontation, and was pushed to the ground in return. It also showed Gardener approaching with his gun visible in his waistband. There were 3 videos shown. The DA also admitted Gardner’s conceal carry had

A man was charged with firing a gun during the Charlottesville protests. It was on video. He missed who he was shooting at, but he fired on a person. So, it’s not always peaceful.

Also in America apparently you’re only allowed to feel threatened if you are armed. It seems if you’re unarmed you can’t fear for your life.

Also they’ve apparently pulled the database move multiple times. There could be more calls very similar to the Ukraine call.

Also to get more free drinks in the future, tip on the amount you would’ve paid had you not gotten the drink for free.

God can’t but Yahweh can

Seems like an easy fix would be that any game with in-app purchases automatically gets rated M. A person can’t apply for a credit card of their own until 21. They can’t have their own debit card until 18. In some exceptions, a kid can have a debit card with a joint checking and parental permission. All of that sounds

In DC political affiliations are protected.

DC has laws against discriminating based on political affiliation. This is due to the fact that so much of the city is employed by the government or political offices. So, no she won’t be able to refuse service, for that particular reason, in that city. Sadly.

Exactly. Most dogs eat the entirety of what is in front of them. Use a measuring cup and give them the right amount of food for 2 meals a day. Also, dogs will be ok if you accidentally skip a meal. If you’re worried you did, you can also portion a very small half-meal just in case.

I mean, racist brains and souls don’t qualify as bones. So they aren’t wrong.

That assumes the person paying cash has change and doesn’t lay down a 2 $20s and expect change. It almost always works out the way Silge explains in my experience. When I was a server simply splitting 4 cards evenly is the easiest way to do it.

Teddy Roosevelt was not conservative. He was a republican at a time when they were the progressive party. He even created the Bull Moose party because the republicans at the time weren’t progressive enough.

That’s how it should be. I was a small kid. My older sister became a D1 goalie and track star. Naturally I wanted to also be a good athlete. My dad coached my soccer team after my sister went to high school. I wanted to be a goalie too but, I was a real late bloomer.

Can I just say, she doesn’t sound like someone that should be cheered for. It’s her second week on the job at that station. Her first day she referred to her transgendered anchor as “lady-gentlman.”