I had the EXACT same reaction. Go for the sugar, sister!
I had the EXACT same reaction. Go for the sugar, sister!
I’d be dropping clots for the whole 26.2 mile run. It’d be like a really gross version of Hansel and Gretel.
This is important information that in theory would make me want to start trying running out. Except I make fun of people who do it in those very color coordinated their stylist picked the outfit for them outfits. Is it ok for me to run in an old tshirt and normal shorts?
For some of us, yes. Some months I have an ache that starts just below my stomach and ends just above my knees. Everything in between those two places feels like it’s rotting. Sometimes, it’s like someone took a bowel disruptor gun and set it to “ rectal volcano”. Sometimes, it’s accompanied by migraines so bad that…
I never had the dress shopping experience. At first, I thought I’d do it, but always knew I’d go in feeling insecure. I never like shopping when it has to be done with the help of someone in the store, because I feel beholden to them for some reason. I was afraid that if I went into a regular bridal store, I’d come…
This is the kind of thing that looks true if you don’t actually examine it, but um. Isn’t. If it WAS true, oral herpes would be incredibly rare, since most people are smart enough not to get intimate with visibly diseased body parts. In reality, asymptomatic people absolutely can spread the virus, as evidenced by it…
When I was little I thought people on TV (I had yet to see anyone kiss in a movie) were keeping a tiny bit of space between their lips—surely they wouldn't actually kiss someone who wasn't their actual husband/wife/betrothed!! Now that kind of seems like a good idea.
FYI. Be careful.
This is not true. It’s most contagious just before, during, and after an outbreak, but it’s still contagious between outbreaks.
right? my mom wouldn’t have kissed me if she had an active cold sore, but somehow or other I still got it as a toddler.
Outbreaks aren’t always visible. You can get them inside your lip (this is different from a canker sore), or the sores can be very small. And you’re highly contagious well before a sore actually manifests.
It is.
Stop spreading this lie.
“Yeah, but if you don’t have an active outbreak, which anyone could see, it doesn’t fucking matter. It’s very common, and most people who have it are asymptomatic. If you’re not having an outbreak, you can’t transmit the virus. “
That’s actually completely untrue, and one of the main reasons so many people have HSV... It’s usually spread in the absence of a lesion, both oral and genital. And by the way, cold sores are one of the leading causes of genital herpes now that they are growing less common in childhood. So just so everybody knows: you…
Quite a few people are allergic to raw tomatoes but not cooked tomatoes. The nightshade family of plants can be like that. Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant.
Dammit! I missed this one!
Probably. We would have gotten that one right if you came into my Taco Bell.