
Either you are a victim of abuse and are using this as a coping strategy to deal with unresolved feelings about the person that abused you, or because it’s part of some sick needy fantasy you’re carrying around with you because you felt your parents didn’t love you enough. Either way, find a therapist because raping

Thank you for saying this!

I am freaking out on the verge of tears reading Heidi’s comments. This is just insanity!

Then should have recommended counseling and had him removed from her classroom so that he could be evaluated by professionals. That’s what a responsible adult would do.

Yes it is up to people to decide. That is why we have LAWS against pedophiles. LAWS that explicitly say IT IS NOT OK TO HAVE SEX WITH CHILDREN! If you are not a troll, or a member of NAMBLA then something else is very, very, very wrong with you.

Seriouly, WTF is wrong with you? Get counseling.

Proving, yet again, that women can be just as awful as men.

Yesterday is too soon.

I honestly can’t tell if he’s just very folksy or has no sense of boundaries? Is it some weird perversion? Or is he just a genuinely kind person?

Which is exactly why the old crew is being let go.

Not to mention their weird poly content that makes them impossibly sweaty

Because it is likely not her given name.

Until the bride and groom fully shove their heads up their own assesses, or send out live feeds of their own colonoscopies will we reach peak wedding narcissism.

More like the second coming of Danny Bonaduce

What happens to that child / adult when the parents die? No one will likely ever give them the love and care their parents would. Just heartbreaking.

I think people are saying that a healthy child, free of suffering (because people can be jerks as we can all agree) is preferable to a child that may be facing a life of difficulties, though not advocating murdering people with Autism. When people talk about Autism, I think they are referring to the extreme examples

How can owning a child be a radiant reflection of your own perfection if it's not perfect?

Decaying fish, dung, weevils, larvae, entrails, diseased meats, Glyptodons, watercress, each other, squirrels, toenails, afterbirth, and their own barf. So, yeah, Paleo. Mmmm.

You deserve a Dagwood or a Club for that comment.

Yeah, white potatoes totally destroyed Indigenous Americans, not the European propensity for living with and having sex with animals. Not at all.