Definitely Not Miss Piggy
What is it with gay men and drama? ;-)
Who follows “Vito” and why???
More than anything else, I think this poor guy has suffered from all of the hype and expectations around his draft into the NFL. Just starting in the NFL is a hard road for an anonymous player out of college. I think the stress and expectations that were put upon him by the media have been too much for the guy to…
Two days without social media? Has the red cross been brought in?
And that stuff goes on with NFL players all the time. Only they just don’t get up and quit the team over it.
“Who cares?! Why is this news?!” — Person who clicked on the link after knowing what the article was about.
I’m logging the fuck off.
you just nailed it.
I’m more peppery with piquant woody notes.
Unfortunately you weren’t surrounded by a Hollywood money machine with your dad’s agent opening every conceivable door for you while all his yes men told you what an amazing genius you are.
And a warm hello to you too.....look all that I have seen of her and her brother, and I don’t go looking looks like they are pretty much just winging it, that is what I meant by the comment, the young lady is still a child and I don’t see what looks like any boundaries.
WTF are you even talking about? What is it about Willow that necessitates better parenting?
Everyone’s kids do stupid shit that their parents think is amazing. Some of us have to endure because they are our friends and family. Why do the Smiths insist on broadcasting theirs on a global scale, dialed up to 11?
Because the fantasy illustrates that women are incapable of complex ideas. It emphasizes women only understand fluffy kittens and babies (yes she specifically says that). The fact that it is a shitty commercial (shitty because of it’s message not production values) and she is trying to disguise it as some feminist…
With all due respect, if this is satire, it’s very poorly done. Most readers of this site are educated, bright, and quite humorous. If this was even a moderately well-written satire piece, more readers would have realized it.