
I had that same issue after they changed over the servers for DC Universe: Online. I simply couldn't get it to sort things out properly (including transferring over my old characters). In the end I gave up on that account and just started a new one. The issue there is that after all the hassle I felt too jaded to

I agree. By the time I played IX I was used to large world maps, but it handled it so well that the true size was still astounding. The splitting of the party was also fantastic and unlike VIII, because they were fixed parties (as in you couldn't choose who went where) you learnt a ton about the characters, which in

By balancing I mean more that things such as Slash-All with Long range Materia is more effective, and does higher damage than most conventional spells with All paired. It's just kinda lame that you also have MP as a limitation on magic compared to nothing at all on ability materia. I hope that elaborates a little.

Cool ^^ I'll have to remember that next time. I think the main reason I never knew this was simply because I don't actually get along with the card game (I find it to be boring). shameful I know, but there it is. Maybe I'll give it a proper go when I return to it.

Unless things have chnaged substantially since I last read up on the game (and signed up to the beta - which was last year on both) you have the ability to create player maps, scenarios and housing, etc. I think they just call the whole thing 'modules' and you can make them available to other people, and basically

Never underestimate the power of sardines!

Never underestimate the power of sardines!

I think I know what some people mean when they refer to IX dragging, but I don't think it's the story, rather that difference in leveling compared to both prior iterations of the series. VIII was so pathetic as a level system that it took no time at all to reach level 100 if you wanted to. Even VII is pretty darn easy

I agree with you about the cast. I think its#s one of the most solid of almost any RPG I've ever played (even putting to shame a lot of Western RPGs thanks to the brilliant localisation). Steiner starts off as a complete jerk, but you understand his reasons so well, and his developing relationship with Beatrix is

Not to dispute that the system is easily breakable, but don't you first need the 1st Edition to make the sword? I'm not trying to be antagonistic - I'm genuinely curious. I just assumed you needed each given issue before you could make the weapons, and to my knowledge, the 1st Edition isn't possible to collect until

As you say, Advent Children adjusts the story a little, and from what you say Crisis Core does even more, which suggests they are using the fact the original game was so vague to stretch out ideas. With regards to Sephiroth's form in the former though, I suspect it was more an attempt at disarming Cloud. He knew he'd

I don't mean ''GTA-lite'', as I think being a criminal in this game would be stupid.

As good as it looks, one thing stands out to me as being a shame: I don't see them allowing us to explore the city like a sandbox. Imagine being able to drive and fly around it with decent controls (and not like the mini games one of the older versions had).

Tera and Champions Online both managed to play very well with controllers, and the way I hear it, there are a base of five hot bar buttons for TESO. Adding them to the left and right hand mouse buttons would be basically the four shoulder buttons, three face ones, and then I'd assume one for jump, so I reckon

If we had any game with access to that many options for movement and combat, it's arguably be the best action game ever made; being able to cut ropes and use them like that, or generally be able to tunnel, climb walls and so on whilst in combat, and seamlessly? I'd pre-order it right now. The thing is, from what I

You should do a follow-up listing some of the more unusual (and definitely real) hybrid individuals.

To this day, every game I play -any- game where I'm running through a large environment, I hear the Cosmo Canyon theme in my head. The rhythm suits the pounding of feet against the ground when running, and... Ah, memories.

I agree that's what gives the game lasting appeal. I think for example, that FF VIII and IX, good as they are, are perhaps a little weak in their execution of a good villian. I like the twist with Edea a lot, and I liked Kuja, but Ultimecia and Necron were either rarely mentioned or never referenced until the last

The Disgaea series has some fantastic flavour text, and generally have enjoyable stories (depends what type of story you're after, as each one has a slightly different feel to it).

I see Cloud as one of the sprites, and a myriad of other faces (Tera, Kain, etc), so it looks like the title's fairly self-explanatory. One wonders though why they don't do something a little more... I dunno, interesting, and not limited to iOS. I'm also a bit surprised at how small the sprites are, given the inherent