
I stopped watching AHS after Coven and only fibished the series because of family. I couldn’t stomach the toxic behaviour of so many of the character. Every single mother was abusing their child/ren and the most innocent people were two guys who had their mothers act in inhmuane ways. Anal cleansing because one was

From my point of view it’d be considered offensive precisely because it’s being used as an insult (I can’t claim to be personally offended as I’m white). When I hear someone use any offensive language I basically break it down as “Is this person suggesting with the use of this word that it’s a mark of inferiority, or

The game this most reminds me of is actually Cyborg Justice from the Mega Drive/Genesis era. In that, you defeated enemies and attached arms and such to yourself. I never played it however - in fact, I never saw it available over here. I did read a review back then that made me want it, though.

I actually suspected something like it being a simulation from playing the demo (I haven’t purchased the game as the demo didn’t really engage me). Those opening moments, where you move through test rooms was (purposely) jarring. I was thinking “why would they ask a normal human to hide in a room with just a single

I have to confess that back in GTA III I used to stand on top of the car park on the second island and snipe old ladies wearing green coats. Because green! Sometimes it was people in brown hats, or whatever Guess Who character I could think of.

This might sound weird or naïve, but my favourite characters in almost any media are those where the character is defined by actions and interactions over a superficial disparity such as the colour of their skin, or their chromosomes. I'm aware that many don't see them as superficial. I'm using the word to denote that

I love my Vita, but I can't justify Sony's pricing on the memory cards. If they release another, I think it might be better to make it more an all-encompassing way to play older games as much as new ones: That means four shoulder buttons, L and R3, as well as anything else needed to do complete ports.

I wonder if this will have a knock-on effect where less people start to explore - either reading or writing about - EU's for various franchises. If 20 years of story can more or less be made irrelevant, then what's to stop a few years being retconned?

I'm guessing the people who think after a mere thirty years that plastic would have broken down into nothing must also think mummified remains are some fabrication by scientists as a way to retell history. Or something.

Why not offer us in Europe who wish not to have it censored a free DLC that patches it back to the original version? That way, the people who're most likely to be offended (who're unlikely to play the game anyway) are safe from the corrupting influence of anal probing, whilst the rest of European buyers (who likely

I'd think the main reason they won't make a game with a gay lead is because they would be too inclined to think it needs to be a romantic story and thus they worry about things like how best to portray that and not lose an audience. I also suspect that most writers would want it to be an ISSUE, rather than simple an

I'd quite like to see a computer game that comes from a similar place as A Serious Man, personally. Not that I'm Jewish or religious, just that I happened to find the film good and an interesting version of Job - or is it? (insert dramatic 'Dun-dun-DUN' here).

My guess is because a lot of people fell in love with Warwick (especially George) and perhaps decided to show him around a lot of the sets as a treat.

That Pig-on-Frog action has always been a ticking time-bomb, if you ask me.

I have tears streaming down my face. mayhaps I love the Muppets a little too much, but I found that stupidly funny.

All I have to show my reverence is a T-Shirt. Will that do?

I always assumed that when two (or more) films come out with a lot of similarities, it's actually far more to do with somewhat underhanded studios rejecting a pitch so they don't have to pay the writer for using it, then using the basic premise to make a new film, changing just enough to avoid a lawsuit. The reason

Whether the events were just accelerants or genuinely the cause; for me, the Simpsons ceased being funny/essential viewing after Phil Hartman died and then when Futurama was being mistreated by Fox. Obviously the former is not the fault of the show, but losing access to his characters was a big blow. The fact that

I keep thinking that virtually every villain he'll come across will instantly target that one, clearly vulnerable spot, and disarm him instantly. I mean what good is all that armour if someone fires a shotgun at your shooting hand that's inexplicably not protected?

If I was to hazard a guess, I'd say the true nightmare (that Giger presented with them as best he could) is that they are both genders. The facehuggers would perhaps be females (as they lay/place the embryos in the host) so technically it's the host that'd be the father, (as the FH's supply the egg, you'd be supplying