
Now, the beloved show is only for people who can afford to have HBO.

It is actually canon. In the Melissa & Joey Halloween episode 2014, Aunt Zelda shows up and tells Melissa that she is a witch named Sabrina who had her memory wiped. At the end of the episode Mel decides to have her memory wiped again and continue her life as an oblivious mortal.

I appreciate this show for what it is: fun and light. However, I do think saying “this show isn’t FOR you” is not a good response to criticism. It’s basically saying “All your complaints don’t matter because this show isn’t FOR you.” I mean, the exact same argument could be used for Gotham or Scorpion or any number of

A “hipster documentary”. You win the prize for the most ridiculous and asinine description of a popular show. So the word hipster is completely meaningless, right? How does that apply at all? What’s hip about doing an extensive profile on criminal justice case?

Guilty or not,this case was mishandled so hard.The whole statement with his nephew,the weapons used,and the lawyer with suggesting to the kid the guilty plea.

Winner! Thank you for succintly summing up how unfounded bias misappropriates blame in our justice system.

“He was the kind of guy who would do this” is exactly what has kept a lot of innocent people behind bars for years.

The kind of scrawny black guy did it last time. Give everyone a chance to save the world.

But there is a plot. It centers on Vader’s search for Luke. That is the main story arc in this movie.

I think it’s safe to assume that by “a novel” he meant an Expanded Universe book...

#notallmen grow hair on their chests. Although we typically have some hair around our navels.

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. Two related story lines take place, one centered on WW-II cryptography, and one on modern internet crypto. It’s one of my most favorite books; I’ve read it cover to cover eight times (it’s about 1000 pages) and I’m about to read it again.

They’re really in a catch 22 with this show. If they cast a white actor to stay “true” to the comic, they’re racist. If they cast an Asian actor then they’re racists as well because omg Asian knows martial arts stereotype/trope.

It does, however, sound exactly like how British people think Americans sound.

I don’t see a “sexy women culture” - the second one clearly states it’s for men and women, so it would be a “sexy men and women culture.” Which, to be fair, pretty much describes Hollywood.

Where did you get “Nick”? That’s Mike Colter who is playing Luke Cage.

Holy fu#$balls! I would play the sh&% out of Assassin’s Creed: Middle Earth or Assassin’s Creed: Westeros

Yeah I had to keep my eyes from rolling into the back of my head on that one. And it just had to come from the most stereotypical source.

@xpatriciah That offensive content = “creative freedom.”’

In terms of my favorite bread recipe, it has to be my sourdough with a starter that I grew myself over the course of about a year and a half. The recipe is fairly involved, but is quite good. It’s a 60% hydration recipe. Apologies up front for the text wall; scientist by trade and am used to writing detailed protocols