
I am predicting beards will be allowed by the end of 2018.

The spelling of “principal” vs. “principle”—the principal is your pal! From Ramona Quimby.

“Those who lionize historical figures because they fought for the ‘right’ to subjugate, abuse, and exploit an entire race of people based on the notion of that race’s inherent inferiority exacerbate racism.” -A non-idiot.

The Atlantic did a pretty good series about the southern mythology around Lee. Basically, everything you’re spouting off about him was invented after his death to further the “lost cause” narrative. In particular, the idea that he opposed slavery is the result of a highly selective editing of his correspondence meant

Judging by the fact that literally every post about social media has one or more comments of a similar nature to yours ... nope.

would nevertheless be against “the spirit of reconciliation” in which they were supposedly dedicated.

I don’t know, I’d be okay with naming streets after Confederate generals as long as they all dead end at Sherman Way.

“We can scarcely take up a newspaper ... that is not filled with nauseating flatteries” of Lee, from which “it would seem ... that the soldier who kills the most men in battle, even in a bad cause, is the greatest Christian, and entitled to the highest place in heaven” —Frederick Douglass, 2017 

Hey, remember...these are the people Democrats forgot all about. If only they’d made more of an effort to understand their inbred, hateful, ignorant pain.

Don’t pull the ladder up behind you. Acknowledge the accident of birth that had you born in the “right” skin tone and begin waging class warfare.

Also part of white male privilege is that we’re taught to stand up for ourselves and challenge authority if we are being mistreated because “the worst they can say is no”. Minority populations face a different equation where there are more potential consequences than simple rejection. This sounds like one of the times

Yes, to all of this.

It’s the very definition of white privilege to complain about ‘white privilege.’

It’s worth outlining how very real, concrete and measurable white privilege is, but it’s a little over-optimistic to say that doing so will lower resistance. A lot of white people just refuse to believe anything about the advantages they have if their life is any less than perfect.

Holy fu#$balls! I would play the sh&% out of Assassin’s Creed: Middle Earth or Assassin’s Creed: Westeros

Yeah I had to keep my eyes from rolling into the back of my head on that one. And it just had to come from the most stereotypical source.

@xpatriciah That offensive content = “creative freedom.”’

In terms of my favorite bread recipe, it has to be my sourdough with a starter that I grew myself over the course of about a year and a half. The recipe is fairly involved, but is quite good. It’s a 60% hydration recipe. Apologies up front for the text wall; scientist by trade and am used to writing detailed protocols

How many calories do you think I’ll save from blotting an entire pizza?

Erm, how is that remotely simpler?