
Even on Kinja this is still good

“It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people.”

Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s Good Omens.

This seems too good to be true? I go to a movie every couple of weeks, I love going to the theater. If this is on the up and up and available near me then I’d pay double that, easily.

Man just as I’m in the market for a new phone too, good thing the cynic in me knows its going to be either nonexistent or very bad.

A few bad apples! Nothing to see here! No one should ever question that almost all American police officers are noble warriors of great virtue, all the bad ones are always caught, there are no systemic and wide reaching cultures of tyranny in American policing. Remember, just because a cop is the most likely type of

I fear death on several levels. I fear my own death, I fear my family’s deaths, I fear the death of the human race, I fear the death of Life. Even the eradication of the species seems slightly more palatable if there is still something out there.

Definitely the best trailer to drop in the last 24 hours

Is there a place to donate or something? House fires can are one of the few unmitigated tragedies. I’m glad they’re all safe, but it’s still going to be hard to rebuild.

Did they also do Hannibal?

Yeah? I’m trying to earn my twoupmanship merit badge

Richards, like everything associated with the FF except Galactus, is total bullshit.

I think they should make the Doctor a black woman but an American. Literally no one would be happy and we could all stop pretending Doctor Who is good.

Midnighter and Midnighter & Apollo are both so good. Something about Midnighter makes me really excited about his identity as a queer protagonist. He’s not virtuous, he’s not apologetic, he’s just badass and horny. He has sex, he makes mistakes, he doesn’t feel the need to be anyone’s role model. But at the same time,

I always liked the people outside of New Directions more. Blaine and Jesse St. James were my faves <3

Story wise, it wasn’t super special, but visually it was a treat. And I enjoyed the end twist enough to put it in the top quarter of the MCU

Vulcan was a building god, if any of the Greeks were willing to work with the gods of railroad and microchip, it would be him.

Gaiman has the only life in which Gaimanisms happen. I don’t know whether he was born blessed by the spirit of Narrative or whether he’s just trained himself to look better, but the man sees the fabric of stories everywhere. When reading his nonfiction, there’s a sense of fascination with the stories of everyday life

Nostalgia is the only reason for this thing to be made. If you’re making this movie and think “People like the Power Rangers, they just don’t want to be transported to their childhoods while watching this movie.” then you just fundamentally misunderstand why the movie is being made.

I want a DnD movie where Michael Cera is the player at the table, but as soon as we dive into the fantasy world, watching their game as the characters, he transforms into Vin Diesel

He addresses that, actually. Major Spoilers!!

Wednesday gets pissed off that he takes everything so calmly, and Shadow says that nothing has bothered him since Laura. Wednesday asks “since she came back to life?” And Shadow says no, since he found out she was cheating. That hurt went so deep that it just kind of numbed