
If anyone at Fox had any brains they would airdrop Ellen Page and a 100 million dollars on Joss Whedon’s lawn, with a note begging him to come make the damn movie he’s wanted to make his whole life. I bet he has a Kitty Pryde script rolling around in his head right now.

Star Wars.

I was worried about that too, but it could also be Captain Lance, as some kind of fall out from whatever deal he’s made with Damien. Barry would still show up to pay respects to a “fellow cop”.

Michigander here, it’s harvest season, the farmer can’t likely give up much more time than that due to lack of income.

How many calories do you think I’ll save from blotting an entire pizza?

Erm, how is that remotely simpler?

I think that when the White House calls up a studio and says “The President wants to watch your movie” the studio gets them the movie.

Did you ever take a close look at how other apes behave? You might reconsider that opinion.

IIRC, frozen veggies aren’t really bad to eat, especially compared to boiled ones.

THIS! I say do and date who or what you like. Even reject whole swaths of people because of race or whatever. But please don’t lose your shit if someone points out to you how your preferences were potentially shaped by a particular social and cultural context.

Thanks, we never would have figured that out without your help.

Well the Flash is colorful and so is Supergirl but I meant that everyone’s costume aside from the Atom is one color in various tones.

Yeah this guy is definitely going to kill more people. His lack of remorse or empathy for his victims is appalling.

Actually, there were two Zooms in the comics: Eobard Thawne, who went by both “the Reverse-Flash” and “Professor Zoom,” and Hunter Zolomon (who also went by “Reverse-Flash” and just “Zoom”). Hunter Zolomon was a criminal psychologist who gained superspeed and then decided that he could make the Flash a better

Well maybe later if they decide to add in elements of Mark Waid’s run. I would totally buy an “I’m Not Daredevil” t-shirt.

Admittedly, sexism played a part in She-Hulks creation, but I think the character has transcended that. I think attaching a “she” to characteristics that are not ordinary for either gender or even humans — Man Beast, She Wolf, etc. — doesn’t always connote sexism.

Man, with both Batman: Europa and Captain America: White coming out soon, the comic shops are going to be filled with comics that were announced ten years ago.

Well, I wouldn’t say suffer...

They called her condition, straightforwardly enough, Foot Orgasm Syndrome (FOS). Now, they’re searching for others like her.

To be fair, Days of Future Past was a great movie, and I also really enjoyed First Class.