
I nominated Sandman #31 - Three Septembers and a January

Between New Avengers, Ultimates, this, Civil War, and his own movie, T’Challa is poised to become a new face of Marvel. Frankly, that’s just giving him his due as one of the most interesting and underused characters the company has.

Daredevil is one of my favorite TV shows, and except for possibly Jessica Jones, the best super hero TV show of all.

My go to audiobook for the night times, the Capn’ Crunch scene still makes me laugh

I love DC’s new story-over-continuity thing. So often continuity snags just make everything more confusing, and you’ve got to let someone go back and paper over the cracks. I say fuck it, let the stories be stories and consolidate themselves later

Here are the differences I predict:

I love pocketcasts, and also thanks for reminding me there should be another episode of MBMBAM out today!!

Just make Guardians of the Galaxy but with Star Wars.

His new Archie is amazing! And Fiona Staples on the art, it’s truly worth picking up.

My boss wanted a tiny page just to show off some of the abilities of our backend. It was an afternoon project, and I decided that I’d write it in pure javascript for a change. It was sort of interesting, and reminded me how much I’ve gotten away from things like that. It’s good though! I’m going to try to not use

Dr. Who the hell cares anymore

The failure of this list to include Locke Lamora or Father Chains is an oversight that will not stand!

Limitless is my favorite dumb sci fi movie. It’s gorgeous and Bradley Cooper might be the most charming person in the universe. I want a movie that’s just Bradley Cooper, Matthew McConaughey, and Owen Wilson standing around smiling and being lovable. They’re my easily digestible charming man love scene.

Is that necessarily a bad thing? I used to watch Jem on VHS. That was some tedious shit. A Jem movie was never going to be good, does it matter in which way they’re bad?

GRRM is not our bitch, readers aren't entitled to anything, etc. etc yes we all know.

The Hawks are a good choice because no one can complain that they didn't stick to the source.

She-Hulk, Daredevil, and Hawkeye have also been just amazing. Batman and Batman Eternal have been top notch. And Wytches. Jesus it's been a good year.

This could still happen, and would be the best thing in the world

I don't know what Raising Steam was... but it was a departure from everything else, and I don't consider it the truest third Moist book.

I love Going Postal, without a doubt the Moist series is my favorite of the Discworld subseries, and I wish we'd had more than two books of it. I want Raising Taxes...