
Chills. Every time. I have grown beyond my love for the Tower and there are some parts of it that I really, really don't like (you deserved better Flagg.....) but that opening line is absolutely perfect.

In the past few years I've become adept at predicting what shows will be like after a few weeks. Although I was wrong about Gotham. As for Constantine.... three episodes in is almost too early to make a call. Especially considering next week seems like an adaptation of one of the most iconic John Constantine moments

Totally the vibe I got, but there are only so many demons in mines that you can internalize.

I really loved that movie, but mostly because Bradley Cooper is one of the most charming people in Hollywood.

I'm actually super on board with this. They did Arrow, I can't believe I'm saying, but I'll give the CW the benefit of the doubt.

Hi, I'm Kirk. I'm a business student in my last year of undergrad right now, and I plan to go on to my Masters in Communication. I'm a competitive speaker, and one of the best in my state. I'm captain of the competitive speech team at my University. I like Urban Fantasy, superheroes, and Michael Chabon.

Just wanted to say that I love this article, and more content like this would be appreciated. Even it might better be suited to io9

Can anyone recommend a handwriting app on Android that would best take advantage of these styli?

See, I like the Nightside more than the Secret Histories one, at least when the Secret Histories went beyond book 3. I thought the Spy Who Haunted Me was great, but after that it really was "become aware of problem, hit problem with armor until problem ceases."

A Hard Day's Knight worked much better for me.

I don't read this kind of urban fantasy for it to be "good" (although I think the Dresden Files at least approaches "good" at times) but the Iron Druid series is so so bad. I barely made it through the first one. Not my cup of tea, I guess.

Yay! New Sandman Slim book. I'm between Dresden books, the Nightside is over, and I can't read the Iron Druid series.

Michael Bay is the new director of the Avengers movies. Everyone get ready for some wacky fun.

I wish the Amazing Spider-Man movies were better because I love Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker

Marvel's casting has been spot fucking on since Iron Man, but Robert Downey Jr. is far and away the best of the bunch. A b-list actor and b-list character coming together perfectly.

I have failed four times to get on board with this Neuromancer thing. I'd rather read Snow Crash four times than try again, even though I thought Snow Crash was just okay or good.

How does one become a freelance adventurer? That just sounds like the best job description ever.

I gotta admit, I'm impressed. Not only did he get the action right, but it looks like they have at least a tiny bit of cutting power.

i spend more time thinking about the Dresden Files than I do the real world. I don't take my birthday off, but I will take a day off for the release of a Dresden book, and read it in one day.