
Raising Steam is weird.

I watch every one of these videos and I have no idea why.

Huh, I'm kind of impressed so few were blatantly false. Whenever I see fun-facts online they're almost always 100% bullshit

I was just thinking this; every book could be a lovely little self-contained season with a built in cliffhanger, Locke and Jean are ripe for bromancing, and genre TV has never been more willing to take risks.

If it hadn't been so damned misanthropic and full of toxic nostalgia, that would have been good. "The only good people are people that reject complex civilization and everyone would do that if given the opportunity!"

Never mind that they make religious extremists the ones that oppose the return to pioneerdom, in

Raising Steam, the 40th Discworld novel, comes out on the 7th

The Dresden Files. I will reread the entire series in a week if I'm feeling blue.

So because of your feelings, you disagree with research?

One that I've always had a question about is Cryptonomicon and, by extension, the Baroque Cycle. Any science fictional elements are barely hinted at, and I think Root and his box are the only things that qualify at all. That is, as long as Root isn't magical, or as long as Root isn't a codename for agents throughout

spoilers and controversy!!

It really, *really* pissed me off, what King did to Flagg in the last book. We're set up to believe that Flagg is some sort of incredibly powerful, reality warping sorcerer, and then he gets knocked out like some Algul Siento coyote. The only explanation I've heard of is that King did it to

This is my second favorite Koontz book, after Life Expectancy.

That is almost exactly what I pictured the Speaking Gun from the Nightside series to look like.

Amoracchius, Fidelacchius, or Esperacchius. Take your pick.

Batman is the better fighter, detective, and strategist. Tony Stark is the better engineer.

I'm liking The Old Reader, even if they're having troubles at the moment

Only after Ender trained them to think so. If he's with Salamander in this pic, everyone is still thinking wrongly, and he's been ordered to stay outside.

Let's do books next year!


Honestly, I pirate all of the Ender books so I don't have to support this guy. I get why he quit.

Everyone knows R.O.U.S.s don't exist