
Tron meets Spartacus?

I think the best way to handle Yoda is to do him like Gollum. The technology is obviously there, and has been used well before, so I don't see it being an issue.


I have a team that competes in Extemporaneous Speaking, and we need offline access to news articles. So we have an IFTTT setup that goes RSS feed -> full text extractor -> Evernote

Willie Nelson and Frank Sinatra teamed up to do a PSA for NASA is the best thing that ever happened.

Cool! It's a save button, that's neat.

"I wouldn't have taken the job if I'd known we had to use this shit ourselves."

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoy Arrow

I would watch a show about the Wolf Pack, or the larger vampire world. Although I didn't particularly care for the specific story of the Twilight franchise, the world it set up, removed from the shallow characters and treacly plot, could be pretty cool.

I have no desire to take a test that quantifies how dumb I am.

I loved Van Helsing, and was always upset we didn't get a sequel.

I clicked on the list just to see it :( I want my ad revenue back

0. Dream

They are the exact same; they're utterly low brow, the writing is mediocre, and they are some of the best books I've ever read.

I THOUGHT ALOHA FROM HELL WAS THE LAST SANDMAN SLIM NOVEL!!! I was devastated after The Bride Wore Black Leathers was finished and I had a long wait until Cold Days for my Paranormal Detective fix, and you just drop this on me, IO9, I can't handle this, but thank you.

I have a complete outline of a reboot. Don't screw this up for me.

Eleven has a sense of power that I find attractive. Like if he really wanted to, he could bring the sky down on you. His absolute best moments are when he's not pleased with something and has gone beyond blatant rage,and he's cold and threatening.

I love my Kindle Fire.... but because it was cheap and I could put ICS on it. Gotta go Nexus Tablet

Say there is life out there; is there any reason to think it would be "advanced" enough to be noticeable?

No, not on a Galaxy Nexus, at least