
Step 1: Eavesdrop on boss, and overhear something they've recently thought of for a given project you're working on.

"Well we've done Heaven and Hell, what's left?" "Purgatory?" "This is why we get paid the big bucks."

We have absolutely no idea of what it is, what it does, or what it wants. The solution? Nuke the ever-lovin' sh*t out of it.

I love these articles, I read them and then my mind goes "O noes!1!!!one! you brokeded teh physics!!!"

I personal think they'll merge in a few years into the tablet area. If tablets advance as fast as you say phones are- and there's no real reason why not- then you have the robustness of a desk top with personableness (I'm not sue if that's the correct word, sue me) of a phone. I imagine after that our other big

Not a single Ender's Game reference in the comments?? I am disappointed.

@SKiTz: Brown canvas messenger bag: stylish, manly, and JUST as useful as a murse.

*sigh* I used to love Glenn Beck's views on taxation and gun control.... that was years ago though before he stopped taking his meds.

This sounds like exactly what movies have been missing for a long time: FUN!

Love the fact that Dresden, Sam and Dean, and Van Helsing are there.... but no Scooby Dooby Doo?

@Therru: Feminist communists who support violent opposition to insecticides

Currently writing a slightly futuristic fantasy novel. Spells written like programming commands, computers that exist slightly in the future, etc.

@kyre: You ain't seen nothin' till you've seen poor white people from Flint, MI try to make homemade Four Lokos with Red Bull and Everclear.

@HyperSpectral: And can I have a pony that sh*ts free golden iPads and a personal zombie butler named Raphael? I'm not saying we can't dude, I admire you for your hope.

Android 3.0 gaming device..... I gotta see how it works out.

I liked Two Worlds.

@jiznerdo He has given you the best advice that will ever be distributed, heed his word and clean up down there!

Tis witchcraft, says I!

Easy missed tip: pay attention to how you act when you're being honest, and try your best to act that way when you lie. Failing that, learn your lying "tell" and display it prominently when you're being honest. You want as much overlap in behavior between lying and honesty as possible.