
Sports talk on Kotaku..... *twitch* ..... jocks.

Give me an electronic saxophone game.

@akuma_619: Prick? I'm not calling you one, just saying :)

Giz can do better. Post when you've got lasers.

Wow! Apparently a lot of Chattanoogians (Chattanoogites?) here on Giz, I feel the hate for the "If you've ever heard of Chattanooga in Tennessee" comment. I have heard of it however, from an Alan Jackson song.

@jedimaster: You made me laugh, and made my co-worker who has never heard of that fair city extremely uncomfortable. You sir, are the win of the day.

*Sigh* I should be more worried about my passwords, but my bank one is secure, and can't really bring myself to care if someone cracks open my Gmail.

I read the whole article. Nowhere did it tell me when I can order science to give me the wings of an eagle, the senses of a wolf, venom of a cobra, life-span of a tortoise, and all the other things I need to be a superhero.

@m0b3k3: You forget, some people will be willing to drop $99 for an iPod, but not $200 + data plan charges for an iPhone. Or however much it costs.

Does this remind anyone else of how Wave realtime updating? I really want it in Gtalk as well.

Google Instant and Google Scribe know me already, and I really shouldn't be surprised. The Big G has my docs, my emails, my blogs, my searches, my texts, basically any thought I have, Google sees.

@Daniel_RA: only thing I can think of is that it will learn your preferences and adjust itself, because I've been using using it since the Chrome extension became available, and it's already a ton faster. Written with Google Scribe.

@rikarus: Totally with you, the first one gets a bad rap. I mean, it's a movie after all, and it wasn't touted as more than "Hey, this dude's got a motorcycle, a chain-whip, and a FLAMING SKULL!" and it delivered on all those points. Great entertainment, that's all I wanted, and that's what I got.

@jepzilla: Non-deterministic chess sounds so much less cool than quantum chess it might as well not even exist.

So all those Canadian jokes I've been making are gonna come back to bite me in the ass, is that what I'm hearing?

On release: "It's magical, revolutionary, and special in other ways."

@Dabamasha: Ah! There's my problem, that's supposed to be step FOUR not step ONE!

Gotta say it, I love Nic Cage, one of my favorite actors.