
Why do all the [Space Porn] pics look like fucking Sauron?

@DarkProng: If its as much of an improvement over the Smash Bros. as the Droid family was over the iPhone, I'll play it without question

Vote: Gtasks~ Besides the mobile app, it's on my browser, it's on my iGoogle, it's on my Gmail, it's everywhere i need it to be.

BUT I WANT IT NOW!! It's the only thing I can think of to deal with those damned squirrels in my front yard.

@MazdaMania: Gambling and hookers Actual culture, history etc.

@ncouraud: As for the first part, I had the same thought. My guess would be they're showing us where the color would be, but not necessarily what the color is.

Look over there, he's using an iPhone, and smelling like a woman. Now look over here, at the man your man could smell like if he used a Nexus One.

Sauron after a night on the town? Proof that Droid IS an interstellar cosmic force (or an alien technology from a race that has also observed this phenomenon)? We pissed Goku off and that's a 10x Kamehameha?

Saw this once... stopped dropping acid soon after.

"The quantum cat was created with lasers"

@TheCrudMan: Vive la résistance à la pomme

And lo, though Wave is dead, she will live on in our hearts, in our memories, and in our collaborative documentation.

I would pay up to $200 for an Android 2.2 device like the iPod touch, without even thinking about it.

The 70 was looking ok, but no Android Market, no sale.

I could never eat anything in a red sauce in that house, staining it would feel like staining a museum.

"I know we said this is a music event, but that was just to get you all in one room. We're actually here to announce a brand new partnership with Satan. Oh, and one more thing, we'll need some sacrifices."

"We genetically modified some mushrooms to scowl and slide back and forth between these two green pipes. Now Jamie's gonna jump on them to see if they disappear. For safety's sake, we already gave him a Super Mushroom, so he has a chance to get out if he misses."

@ottermann eats worms: A black hole needs to larger, but not neutron-star mass. An Earth mas black hole (the size of a dime, I think) would do the trick.

I'm really afraid now, because I am the jackass that's knifed some pretty serious folks. Gulp.