
There are teams? Tell me more about these teams, please.


The clown afro is cultural appropriation.

Because of a model photoshoot? lol....god damn some of you are weak.

Weed out people. People are like weeds.

So you want America’s diplomatic ties with historic allies to be strained so in some future war with China and Iran, the US will be alone?

“He will be forced to see the hatred for him.”

That was weak.

Right.....you could probably ask a lot of people when the War of 1812 took place and they would not be able to tell you.

Of course. What’s graffiti without a penis on the wall.

If I were to speculate, I would assume it was just a prank.

Prison politics is identity politics, just a more extreme, hardened form of it.

D is for the DEVIL!!!!!!

And you know this how?

I think some of these people are haters themselves, just on another side, and don’t really care.

Oh ok, didn’t mean to offend you and not sure what you’re problem is, but fuck you too then.

Dads are not supposed to have a sense of humor.

Good. And I hope you understand the point of my question.

If a black co-worker made the same comment, would you turn them in to HR also?

And you know this because you have had those same thoughts and feelings about other “others” right?