Not everything needs to have a racial element.
Not everything needs to have a racial element.
“And it’s one thing to think a kimono is hip, it’s another to dress up and situate yourself in a culture that is not your own. “
They also drew a penis on the wall.
I don’t, I was just speculating. I don’t recall many teens growing up around me (in TN of all places) that would go this far in their foolery, so I just worry this teachable moment will be lost on them. I could be way, way off and I really hope I am. I hope this opens their eyes.
They are just supposed to work to pay the bills, so Mom and kids can enjoy
lifebonbons and daytime television.
It’s really fucking distasteful, especially on a website for and in support of women. People were/are acting like this about Kim K’s being robbed, too, and I’m just like... Why are you here? You think this is funny because it happened to a wealthy, ‘vapid’ woman?
Funny because I feel like this is the same spiteful logic Trump himself uses to justify his fuckery
So interesting how little empathy people are showing for this woman after her home was invaded and destroyed in such a personal manner. I wonder why that is? People seemed to have a bit more empathy for Kim K. Curious.
Yeah seriously, she is the victim of a crime here. I’ve had someone break into my car a couple years ago. The only thing of “value” they took was a worn out first generation ipod I was obviously no longer using, but they made sure to trash the inside of my car, too. Lol but what do you expect to find when you break…
That was my first thought. It was pretty distasteful.
You’re right, and thank you. This article gave me huge secondhand embarrassment for Bobby - this wasn’t nearly as clever or precious as he thought it was.
I dunno, seems worth more concern than a bunch of puns. How terrible and absolutely frightening for her. :(
You should tell the Yemeni owners of these bodegas that. They’re so stupid they didn’t listen to OMG!PONIES!. Why oh why did they not buy KFCs in the middle of Alabama? Why???
Republicans want to exterminate black people? Can you back that up, I never heard that.
One of the worst things that has happened in our democratic discourse is what I like to call the “stupidman” fallacy.
Feminists mujst have NO FUN. NO INTERESTS unless proprerly vetted by the High COuncil Of Cats!
If my partner got nominated to the Supreme Court I would look at them in awe, it’s an amazing accomplishment. Let’s not conflate this a women who who looks at her husband in awe everytime he opens his mouth because she believes she must submit to his authority.
Awkward that those are the people who are the customers of California products. But obviously everyone in America outside California is pro-Confederate but there are 0.0% racists in the state of California, lol. Good rant.