
All those women wearing white too. God just want to punch them so hard.

Are you racist?

“those people”

Sounds like a good liberal.

I m sure Trump is so intimidated.

violence is the answer

Really, you get nightmares from that?


Ha Ha!

The shit some of you tell yourselves is just bizarre.

I am so scared of this movie. Golly, it’s just so scary. Hold me!- a Man.

Fucking old white men!!! I hate them so much!!!

I m trying to figure out why you guys care what color....

You find a job that pays decently while you resist the urge to buy crap you don’t need and instead live frugally. And you do that for a few years.

Well what does Russia have to do with taxes?

They’re so white.

That’s not racist because historically black people have no power!

Ever worked in an office full of women?

So only young, non-white people and women, are capable of acting decent towards other people?

Ever work in an office full of women?