
That’s funny. I feel like what you are describing are those liberal white people who live in small, affluent, almost all white, very liberal towns in like Vermont, Connecticut, Colorado, and other various parts of the country.

The hypocrisy of making a negative generalizing statement like that is probably beyond your conceptual grasp.

No! The South must be a stereotype. It’s where racism was invented!!!

No, the women totally ruined it.

Very funny yah.

I will be honest, I am a moderate, independent swing voter. I voted for Obama twice. His moderate, objectivity conveyed an inclusive tone that we’re all in this together. And that was incredibly refreshing.

This is the problem with modern American politics.

“I hate ostentatious celebrity wealth like the next person, but they should be taxed, not robbed.”

“Donald Trump doesn’t get bacon, egg, and cheese on a roll and a coffee regular from New York City bodegas. Nor do most Trumpers.”

I love how you didn’t mention the Boxer Rebellion.

What? In California? But....I thought racism only happened in the South, the Deep South.

I don’t think the Vaginus is going to provide proof because they know their claim is made up, hysterical bullshit.

Really you have proof that Milo & Bannon (sounds like a animated movie) were giving Nazi salutes?

The problem is nobody is calling for the extermination of black people.

Well said. I want to add that it is usually the people with ill thought out opinions or extreme views that clash and argue with each other.

I am starting to think a lot of you are just young and don’t truly appreciate that words have meaning.

That was really brilliant, especially the song at the end.

What you lack in objectivity, you make up for with hysterics.

I think getting past this “it’s only white people who are the problem” way of viewing things, might help.