
It’s ok to say a person has zero value when he is straight, white, male and rich.

Really? I find a bunch of Jezzies regularly talking about the Kardashians and “Real Housewives of where ever” to lend an air of seriousness to the feminist movement.

It’s not like refugees presumably with little money can afford to live in San Francisco anyways.

Why do you presume that it is so important to care what girls think?

Maybe he didn’t mean to and was nervous also?


Maybe they are investments.

But when you just mention gender and race when it’s not relevant, it seems problematic. It would be true if they were black men.

“white men”

“the anger running through my system right now”

Stop. This is a good opportunity to push the narrative that it sucks to be female. Don’t ruin it.

Why jump to conclusions when the facts will eventually become known, unless you’re looking at it to confirm a bias?

“I have been judging the US hardcore this weekend and have been served some humble pie.”

Right, states are either red or blue by a few percentage points.

You’re one of the few that can step aside and see the narratives being framed by others to polarize people who have more in common than they realize, into different camps.

So you would rather California be part of Mexico than the US?

Shhh.....we have to perpetuate the idea that those people only live in Texas and the South.

That’s because a lot of liberals are as selfish as those they project their selfishness on to. They just rationalize it as “good” because whatever program they are advocating benefits them, and they don’t have to pay for it.

I agree with most of what you’re saying, except I suspect the poster is 2nd or 3rd generation Latino.

Talk is cheap. Put your money where your mouth is.