Very nice. My pick for Bob’s Burgers... O.T.: the Outside Toilet/Topsy/Two for Tina.
Very nice. My pick for Bob’s Burgers... O.T.: the Outside Toilet/Topsy/Two for Tina.
Maybe not strongest, but certainly favorites of mine:
Only he didn’t say ‘frickin’.
Say what you want about the trailer, but that bit of him describing rave music kills every time.
I said this in the comments of a prior ‘Age of Heroes’ article (can’t remember which one) and it bears repeating: if I had a first-born child, it would be given up by the time you finish reading this sentence to make a Dazed and Confused-style superhero movie happen.
This gets me to thinking about a post I made a couple weeks ago. Can we still call it when someone gives you something, then takes it away from you ‘Indian-giving’ or is there a more ‘woke’ way to phrase it?
But it’s only a matter of time before Peele brings us his Under Capricorn, Topaz, insert your own lesser Hitchcock here...
Raven, how ‘bout that coffee?
Pretty sure that impersonating a cop is a more severe offense, so if I were Deputy Dawg, I’d watch my back.
I agree with you on a lot of things, but the Flash was the bright spot for me in the JL movie.
“Stop, please! Let us stop this mindless violence. Nicholas, my son. You may not be a man of God, but surely, you’re a man of peace.”
This scene, by itself, is funnier than most whole comedies.
Small pox and bigger pox/or deadly tomahawks
So, you liked Pete more than Peggy?
Speaking of which, no one mentions “Tony Stank?”? What planet am I on?
I really believe that this would’ve worked better as a series than a movie (even though I kind of liked the movie, esp. Jeff Bridges as Yosemite Sam).
“Where are you from, kid?”
If I had a first-born child, they’d be given up by the time you finish reading this sentence to make a Dazed and Confused-style superhero movie happen.
Falk is Columbo, but if someone made an attempt at a newer version, Ruffalo would be near perfect.
Seeing those ships at the beginning made me seriously wonder if someone on the production team was a huge “Aqua Teen” fan, because all I could think of was Dr. Wongburger needing all the dicks to complete his dick ship to return to his home on dick planet.