That had to be a heck of a childhood experience! No sarcasm, you should write a book, or at least share some fun anecdotes!
That had to be a heck of a childhood experience! No sarcasm, you should write a book, or at least share some fun anecdotes!
I love Polish people.
Thanks for this! When I was car shopping last year I was cross shopping 2012ish BMW 335's, Lexus i2whatevers, and a new Golf R. The luxury brands really did have nice interiors and they were incredibly comfortable...but...almost too comfortable for me. I don’t want to be so comfortable that I can fall asleep when…
Hate to burst your bubble, but Google Maps time estimates on dirtroads is notoriously high. I tend to only use the time estimate to get to the trail head or where the pavement ends, and then use my noggin to figure out 5-15mph averages on the rough off-roads.
Totally! I have a whole recovery and repair action packer box in the back of my 4Runner. I can definitely make space for some rods, cables, and a mask. Cheers!
Well, considering the guys I know in this photo have all built up most of their rigs themselves, including welding on rock sliders and aftermarket bumpers, sometimes the solutions aren’t immediately apparent even to those with skills.
Shit, I didn’t realize we were going for Porsche car name puns instead of pepper related puns. I retract mine and say:
I’d call 911 if I saw someone driving a baby around in the back of that.
Poblanoby not.
Some of my friends started this overlanding company and know this guy out here who has a very capable off-road modified Cayenne. We’re mostly Tacoma, 4Runner, LC, and Jeep people, but definitely impressed by this.
Yes, the cops usually do, but in this instance the author(s) did by a long shot.
Dying. It’s so true. All of it.
(We should note that, by our math, at roundabout $60 for an eighth of marihuana, 60 pounds of weed would be about $460,800 in street value. Dilworth police, where are you buying your weed?)
I’d get off your lawn any day. <3
Born in raised in Michigan, and was taught how to actually drive there too. I’ve driven in a lot of other states, and I currently live in Colorado. I have to say that Michigan drivers are some of the best, and it’s been evidenced by recent statistics articles posted here even. We learn to drive in four seasons, we…
Yup, I was the same way with my Golf R. That first scratch hurt my soul so bad too, but I’m glad it’s over with. I still have my lifted 97 4Runner and she’s full of beauty marks from off-roading. It was just nice to have a car that is supposed to be good looking stay good looking. I think it would if I didn’t…
Good way to get out of a speeding ticket; speed past a cop who used to own the same car as you.
I was driving rather spiritedly in my ‘16 Golf R and I was somewhere in the neighborhood of 83-ish (honestly, I’m not exaggerating high or low). I have very good cop eyes since I’ve only ever been pulled over twice in 17…
So...the difference between the original video in this story and the ones you posted is that the ones you posted appear to show people getting seriously injured. Not exactly what I was hoping to see.
Assholes drive many types of cars. However, I can’t help but notice how BMW and Audi assholes stand out for some reason. I’ve known quite a few owners of both brands, and only a handful standout as non-assholes. The assholes. Again, some of my best friends are Audi and BMW owners, I swear!