
Wait, does the person being pulled over walk over to the cop in the UK? Must be nice to not have to worry about getting a side order of lead with your traffic stop, or to not have to worry about the person you’re pulling over have enough firepower to arm a small dictatorship.

I agree completely. I remember the first time taking an Uber in Detroit during a music festival about 5 or so years ago. The level of service was top-notch executive level stuff, and we were so relieved to no longer be gouged during the festival by taxis that would assume we were from out of town (we weren’t) and

Prairie falcon aside, do we still not know what exactly the falcon did to that duck? It kind of looks like it broke it’s neck or gave it a severe concussion or something. The head is still attached, but it looks reallllllly messed up.

Gee we’re sure showing the terrorists that we’re not afraid and that they’ve having no affect on us. Sigh.

Watching those Kaizo levels gave me so much anxiety. Jessssus! It’s nuts!

I think location has a lot to do with this. There are a lot of old people here in Colorado that don’t look or act old, nor do they seem like they’re trying to prove that they’re not young. I’m climbing and mountaineering better than I ever have before, but I did have PF issues when I took up trail running to train.

Us outdoorsy types already have a great Toyota for outdoorsy things and it’s called the 4Runner. It’s perfectly happy in cities and in the mountains. This bitty wannabe, likely unibody, plastic afterbirth abomination to the Toyota gods will be the envy of no one. I hope this stays a concept and they stop fucking

I grew up in Metro-Detroit and fell in love with backpacking in places like the Huron-Manistee NF, and da UP (Isle Royale, Porkies, etc.)! It was a bit of a surprise when I realized that whole wild fire thing is a real concern when I moved to Colorado 8 years ago. Haha. Cheers!

I grew up in Metro-Detroit and fell in love with backpacking in places like the Huron-Manistee NF, and da UP (Isle

No one is getting the weed references? It’s #421 and team Westafari? Oye. Stoners with a sinsemilla of humor.

Wait, was there the implication that that car camping grill was for backpacking? I mean, to each their own, but yeah, not exactly a smart way to cook in the backcountry.

Wait, was there the implication that that car camping grill was for backpacking? I mean, to each their own, but

Yeah, that’s not always permitted in backcountry areas, especially in bad fire years here in the West.

Yeah, that’s not always permitted in backcountry areas, especially in bad fire years here in the West.

Yep. Fast Audi’s and VW’s with DSG and AWD launch ridiculously well. Love my ‘16 R.

I only lol’d so hard at that because I knew he was OK. If the poor guy wasn’t OK then I definitely would have shook my head instead.

They really could make this into an Audi competitor, but they just don’t for some reason. Offer a (real) Jetta R already for $10k more. I have a ‘16 Golf R, and it’s a fucking phenomenal automobile machine. This GLI can’t even hold a candle to the GTI let alone the R. It’s so damn bland looking too.

Is anyone concerned that a supposed doctor was flying in economy with the rest of the unwashed masses? I’m betting he was lying just like Bush lied about 9/11.


Well, that’s what I get for not doing the research for myself. Well done! Thanks for the info. Hopefully the guy gets some nice restitution.

Glad to hear an actual lawyer chime in. The fine print likely protects United, and yeah, post 9/11 airlines always are in the right when it comes to issues of passenger compliance. That said, I hope the deservedly shitty PR United receives from this helps this guy fly for free in business class for the rest of his

I suppose they were just...following orders? Haven’t we learned that argument doesn’t hold water when you’re ordered to do something immoral? I get that removing someone from a flight doesn’t compare to guarding a concentration camp, but...

A bit over the top, no?

Well, there’s no question who’s asphalt here.