
If you just go for information related to your area of interest, the forums are great. However, it’s a bit like going to your favorite store that happens to be near an insane asylum with windows. You leave your favorite store, but it doesn’t mean you get a good look into the asylum on the way out. Yikes.

A well armed one. I’m a bit of a firearms enthusiast, but I also happen to be a moderate, so depending on which side you ask I’m either a communist libtard or a closet conservative gun nut. Firearms related forums are a good window into right-wing insanity.

Yeah, you don’t understand his supporters. They’re very divided over this. I keep one foot in the nut world, and I can tell you the forums are ablaze right now. Half of them want Trump’s head, and the other half are congratulating him on doing something that Obama didn’t have the guts to do. I’m a bit divided on

I’m sad I didn’t get a chance to go home for a final game at the Joe. Your article hit the nail on the head, but the people pointing out the technical faults of the place are also correct.

I’m a Detroiter (life-long Wings fan) who moved to Denver 8 years ago. I was honestly excited to at least have a good team to go watch even if it was the Avs. Unfortunately I missed the memo that they were terrrrrible. The Wings v Avs games here are a hoot though, but this year it was a battle of the bad.

I hope

As a life-long Wings fan...ouch. I hope you all realize that this kid is going to make more money before he’s 21 than we’ll have made in 20 years. Sigh.

I hope he invests this money. Oh, and Golf R is the obvious choice, except that he’s in his (late) 20's. STI or an RS for the kids who want to have fun, R for the adults who want to have fun (R owner here).

Paris 1919 by Margaret MacMillan is up there for sure.

Mannnnn why don’t I have buddies with cool shops!? Sigh. Can I be your frand plz?

Can you please elaborate? I’ve always wondered why there were strict warnings about wreckage, and beside the obvious about live munitions and visible fires, I couldn’t figure out why. Of course my conspiracy theory brain would go to places like “UFOs!!!!!” (jokingly), but it would make me wonder still...

I wonder how it’s all connected?!

I agree. I thought I’d hate Matt LeBlanc but I like the goofball. He really knows his stuff, and he brings an air of niceness to the grumpy Chris Harris.

So wait, I haven’t seen the episode, but did they say they were there for the racing? I just read Bills comment from February:

Bill Caswell

I was thinking that too. Sooooooo many people. I get that we would complain if no one came to help, but there is such a thing as too many people coming to help. Haha.

You say that as if LiDar is 100% accurate. It’s not, and any defense lawyer worth their salt would ask for the calibration records.

It doesn’t mean you still can’t have laser parking sensors. wink.

Great article right up until you perpetuated this stupid line again...

There are countless people on VWVortex who own Mk7 GTIs or Rs and have two kids without problems. Don’t give in because you feel like you have to.

That’s no Veyron, it’s a Chiron...station.

Low bar!? Look, I hate cross-overs as much as the next car enthusiast (I mean, that term makes me throw up a little each time I say it), but have you not been paying attention?