
He’s stuck moron. But since you have probably never taken your lifted truck off road, you probably dont know that. Lifted trucks are awesome. It’s the poser owners who ruin them for everyone. Even when there is no snow, most people cant park the damn things between the lines.

Sure, but clowns drive all sorts of cars. That guy’s just a jackass! Sorry for your misfortune.

Seriously, what the fuck is up with that guy? Ok ok ok, on behalf of lifted truck owners everywhere, I extend my sincerest apologies to pissing in your coffee. Please point to the spot on the doll where the lifted truck touched you.

Big fackin deal, eh? I do this all the time with my 97 4Runner here in Colorado. All of us with lifted trucks and (only) half a brain get giddy when we see that lone snowbank in the parking lot just calllllling to us to pop it into 4lo, lock the diff, and go!


I don’t know, these trucks aren’t cheap. I don’t doubt there aren’t bro-ified owners, but those bros have good jobs then (or rich parents).

I regret not going to the recent one in Denver, but I’m definitely going the next time. FWIW, I’m not a red neck, I just like cars.

That was a M-possibly bad pun.

Going on 33 year old here. I drive a ‘16 Golf R, and I know it’s a hard temptation to resist the fun pedal even hours after you’ve had your last drink. It’s just not worth the risk and that’s why whenever I hoon around town at 3am, I try the all new “sobriety”. It’s comes in a convenient invisible form, and it’s

Me too. Science (jokes) rule.

Hard to reach starters must be a Toyota thing. My 97 4Runner’s starter contacts needed to be replaced. On a 2WD 4Runner, it’s no problem at all, but we all know a 2WD 4Runner is as useless as a a one-legged man at an ass-kicking contest. With a 4WD 4Runner it is a labyrinth to get that damn thing out and replace

Damn...Joss Whedon material is out. X-Files leaving sucks too. Gaining MST3k is excellent though, but definitely more going than coming right now and the only reason I’m keeping Netflix is MST3k.

Awwww it looks like a genuinely FUN car. Great write-up. I don’t think it’ll be the sort of car that sticks around for decades, but I think it’s a great car to get us all primed for Toyota to be back in this market. Maybe it’s just garnering interest for the Supra?

What a real rap-scallion

Seeing this kind of stuff makes me feel all ‘murika inside. We’ve made and done some bad ass things to cars (and yeah, we’ve done some terrible things to cars too). I owe it to myself to own a fast and loud V8 at some point in my life. So much awesome.

Mk7 Golf R owner here. I’m surprised no one has said a Stage 1 or 2 tune with our cars. I haven’t done mine yet, but from what I hear it just turns it into a (bigger) beast.

Yep, the PSS’s I put on my Mk7 R made a huge difference.

So many lyric pun options. Surprised no on has said “all in all, he’s just another brick in the wall”.

Your sister sounds awesome! I drive a mk7 R and I’ve been pleasantly surprised at what a mature crowd these things draw. I’m only 32, but I’ve ran into other owners and enthusiasts well into their 50s and 60s who can afford plenty of “nicer” cars, but just love these little hot hatches.

In fact, my Dad’s first car

I am intrigued by this Alpha since I saw Clarkson’s review on GT. I probably won’t be in a position to buy one for another few years, but I am excited that they’re “bringing the motherfuckin ruckus” to this segment of cars right now. I hope it forces the other players like BMW, Mercedes, and Jag to up their games.