
You will have a very hard time finding dealers that don’t mark these up. Stick to your guns, accept nothing more than MSRP or less, and be prepared to ship it from out of state. Yet one more reason I believe that the archaic dealership model needs to fucking die a terrible death.

See, that’s kind of what I always thought too, and that the non-metaphorical version of this story was just sugar coated history. In fact, this lead me to be less enthusiastic about celebrating the bastard’s day since, if I had lived back then, you better believe I would have been a fornicating wine drinking dancing

Exactly what I noticed too. I’m sure he/she was saying “The ONE fucking time I go to the pump this month and I’m almost taken out by a god damned action movie wannabe”.

I hate situations like this, especially when it’s something so subjective like that. The police and the courts have all of the power, they know it, and they just won’t hear anything otherwise. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your experience is either and if you’re not an attorney they just tell you to piss

This is stupid. If everyone thinks we’re bad at driving, then we need to institute real driver’s education courses. I’m sure auto makers would love to support measures that make it more difficult for consumers to get a license and buy their products, right?!

Us aviation geeks get it, but our humor is a bit...elevated.

I’ve had my ‘16 Golf R for just over a year and the exterior hasn’t held up to 4 season commuting well at all (which is relevant since this review was done in Quebec).

I hear what you’re saying, but I have fond memories of the ol’ pee troughs! Save the troughs! Hahaha. Clearly the novelty of those made me forget about the 20 minute line to get there.

Definitely thought of the cross-bar sound. I don’t fault the author for not knowing this if he’s not a hockey fan, but yeah...it is the sound in hockey that gets everyone’s attention.

I was just going to mention that, and use that specific example. Weeeeeird. I grew up in Metro-Detroit and lived in Detroit proper for 5 years before moving to what I refer to as the “lesser D”, Denver.

Kind of what I was thinking too, and no not because she’s Asian and he’s white and racism and whatever. My suspicions more had to do with the look of sheer terror on her face when she comes in after the kids. It has more of a “Shit, I’m going to get fired” look than a “Shit, I’m going to get divorced” look. Who

Those photos are awesome. The one with the KC-130 reflection in it immediately made me think of an actual bird of prey for some reason (not a Klingon Bird of Prey).

D’awwwww look at the cute little goof ball with that grin on his face.

Any other climbers here think she’s pulling off a sick stick on the crux move without letting the barn-door yank her off the hold?

Agreed. I don’t think people remember how absolutely corny it sounds when you’re a kid and a grown-up tells you some trite after school special line like “Take it to the track”. I’m definitely not advocating street racing, but I’m not naive enough to think that it’s just going to go away either.

Awesome answer. The engineer in me wondered the same question, but I knew there was a good explanation that used, you know, facts and junk. Thanks for that!

It just sort of sounded like they sold and shipped the F-35s with this “vulnerability” before they knew it existed. To me that implies that someone discovered it in the field...which wouldn’t be fun. Anyone have actual facts as to the circumstances in which the lightning make fuel take go boom issue was discovered?

This is why I love hockey. I know I know, there’s some dumb fuckery going on, but there’s also some good stuff happening here. The acknowledgement between Moore and Wheeler at the end of their tussle (because that wasn’t a fight) was good and it should have ended there.

A co-worker of mine got the V8 and sent me a video of it’s exhaust “note”. He told me to put on headphones, and holy fuck...it was a monstrous cacophony of pure insanity. He said it must drive his neighbors on his sleepy little UK street nuts, and he loves it for that. I knew right then and there that I must own