
There is something about visibility too.....poor people will be less visible and will not mix amongst the non-poor at the grocery store. In a lot of these Republican programs (or whatever the are) there is a thread of removing who they perceive as the other from public spaces.

I am so tired of the victim narrative these guys latch onto. There is so much gas lighting and fuckery going it feels like every day I’m trying to keep my head from exploding. I feel so much for what these women went through but their suffering is not part of the narrative. I wish, with these stories, the long term

omg I cant read beyond the first 2 paragraphs but I will always sneeze from now on. Jesusfuckingchrist this scared me.

I couldn’t finish reading his last quote. I’m exhausted. Fuck everything. Where’s my wine?

Take whatever sliver of joy you can find in this shit storm. I’m with you. When the big stroke (or jail time) comes I’m taking a day off and fucking celebrating.

He probably is getting something out of this like a Trump resort for example. Sigh. What a flaming piece of wretched shite.

I’m in a blind rage every day. It’s time for a man ban.

I expected the sums of money to be much, much greater given the trade-off. Innocent people are dying in exchange for $2K - $9K donations? The GOP’s and NRA’s depravity never ceases to stun me.

I’m fuzzy on details but I think failure might be part of the money laundering scam he is always running. All these failures result in write offs and his personal money is never involved. It’s a mess but I swear there is a pattern w/all of his deals/failures and it’s all money laundering.

I dream of a day when Issa Rae is in charge of all media everywhere.

Remember, the mandate from on high was to dismantle everything Obama did. There is no rationale beyond just that.

I’m surprised it’s as high as 39%.

With all due respect I think you’re over thinking this and assuming this administration is doing analysis of the issues. They simply want to undo everything Obama did despite the consequences and even if it requires treason, collusion, and general fuckery. They feel tainted and diminished by 8 years of governance by

Raiding their homes? WTF? How about the Nazis who terrorized Charlottesville? Are they being hunted? Their homes raided? My head can only explode so many times. JFC

This really does fell like a luxurious leave-in conditioner for the soul. Aaaah

The police show up for this. Where were you Friday Saturday? Tiki torch shopping? Ironing your khakis?

Civil forfeiture is disgusting and it’s theft, BUT, does it mean 45's assets and the assets of that ridiculous administration can be seized as they are suspected criminals? Their assets could be repurposed to benefit the NAACP, NODAPL, Planned Parenthood etc. It’s just a little dream of one little person.

The Senate, House of Reps, their staff, and dependents have gold standard health insurance paid for by tax payers. Let’s never forget that. It’s quite possible the sick people in their circle are well-covered and protected from the nightmare being unleashed on the American people.

7 months? Christ it feels so much longer.

A man who cares not one iota about leaving a functioning Earth with clean water, air, and soil for his children and grand children to live simply doesn’t love them. Everything and everyone is a status symbol and there is something about killing the earth that seems to give his micro penis a special kinda hard on.