I wish I could “like” this comment a 100 times!
I wish I could “like” this comment a 100 times!
Mueller is a Special Prosecutor not a Special Counsel, just fyi.
Jesus Christ, you’d think a man in the casino biz would have perfected the art of the bluff and keeping a poker face. 45 does the opposite. How can THIS be our reality?
This hurts the heart. Gets me right in the ticker. There are so many humane ways to de-escalate situations. Dammn
I can understand that generally law makers would rely on staff to distil thousands of pages of legislation prior to a vote if there really wasn’t time to read it but a couple hundred pages? That’s the length of a light reading novel. FFS!
Regarding the “I’m President” remark, seriously, do you think this is the dementia kicking in? Like, did he think it’s Nov 9th? Welp, HE has excellent health care so good for him.
They don’t care about getting re-elected. They’ll go work for a Russian company, or health insurance company, or private prison, or Russia will engineer their re-election.
Unless you’re Australia, Mexico, or Germany. He got no time for them.
45 has a relentless hard-on for these strongmen dictator types. I wonder if the State Dept will be staffed up and the fired diplomats replaced at any point? It’d sure be nice to attempt some diplomacy. Who am I kidding? We’re all dead.
And yet, they’ve exempted themselves from the new plan and will retain their gold plated taxpayer funded healthcare.
How is diplomacy an option with so many open positions at the State Dept and diplomats fired and not replaced? Good grief. This is terrifying.
“...an attempt to damage her relevance as a political commentator” Hahahaa! I’m dying. She thinks she is a political commentator of relevance! She thinks she’s David Axelrod. Hahaah! Oh honey. You’re nothing.
My heart breaks every morning when I have to say good-bye to my kitties and go to work. But, arriving home is a big event! Every evening we celebrate our reunion with songs, cuddles, kisses, nose bops, and head butts. It’s an emotional roller coaster for everyone involved.
That bothered me too. Most companies are not well-run. The bigger they are the more inefficient and bureaucratic they tend to be. This is just the first step in privatizing everything so 45 and his cronies can hoard even more money.
Spicer likes to accuse the journalists of being upset and emotional during these briefings while he foams at the mouth and drowns in flop sweat. It drives me nuts. Manafort was interviewed by David Axelrod on the very excellent podcast the Axe Files. The interview was after Manafort left the campaign and he admitted…
He is trying to apply his shady business practices to that of running a country. He has spent a lifetime getting away with (among other things) frivolous lawsuits and interference w/legit businesses. The Constitution doesn’t work like that. He has no blueprint for this. I imagine he must be stomping around extra…
We can’t blame this mess on a magical sky daddy. This is man-made.
It seems to me the whole point of this photo including her carefully staged couch-perch is to dispel any thoughts we the sheeple might have that she is out of the loop and not close to the monster-in-chief. She can’t stand that Morning Joe et al think she isn’t involved.
This hurts my heart. My chest actually hurts. Goddamn power hungry, entitled, racist piece of shit.
45 has the bitchiest resting bitch face