
"the difference is that although asbestos and arsenic are natural, they're harmful."

That was my point, because so many people see something labeled "natural" and assume it must be wholesome and beneficial. They either don't realize or willfully ignore the fact that plenty of natural stuff will straight-up kill you.

And let's go back to filling buildings full of asbestos! It's natural! Maybe we can also pump some all-natural arsenic into the water supply!

No one will put it better than this.

Too garbage.

Where should we send your medal?

Yeah, but not all tortilla chips are the same in terms of crispness or texture. Plain Doritos are going to taste different from, say, plain Tostitos tortilla chips.

Why doesn't your dad just write this column?

Just lob an n-grenade at me already. I know that's what you want. Come on, man, go to bat for equality.

Yup. Moron.

White people not being able to say "nigger" without society collectively frowning in their direction is not "racial inequality;" if you can't understand that, you are a moron.

Entropica was able to pass multiple animal intelligence tests, play human games, and even earn money trading stocks.

I don't know if anyone pointed this out to you already (or if you know and just don't care), and I know I'm late to the party here, but this is the exact text from the embedded video. I don't see any

This has nothing to do with equality. It's a word that's offensive to an entire race that's been marginalized from the day the first slaves showed up from Africa until this very day. Of course it's not illegal for anyone to say it because of the First Amendment, but the reason that black people get to say it and white

Classic. Say dumb shit and label anyone a troll who calls you on it.

"No, it was mine." —Steven Spielberg

Why don't you just admit that you wish you could say racist shit without any consequences?

If he doesn't want to say it himself, why does he care that black people can say it but not him? Why is he "outraged?" Because it seems to me that not being able to use that awful word does not materially affect his own life. Get over it, dude, this is not a First Amendment thing. You can actually say the word

Do you really want to be able to say it that badly?

Well, they left that whole Nigerian kidnapping thing on the back burner for over two weeks, so this showed up pretty quickly if you ask me.

"After the backlash over his story, Choe says he made it all up. Whether true or not, it doesn't matter."

Well, it might kind of matter to the person who may or may not have been sexually assaulted, dontcha think?

Is there a reason we're still saying, "allegedly?" Sterling confirmed that it was his voice on the tape.