
Judge Kara Brown, ladies and gents.

let’s start a website

“Hopefully this will bless your life and change it.” Girl.

The problem being that she’s chosen to work on the ship of fools, CNN, who’s captain, Jeff Zucker, has made the kind of culture-destroying back-and-forth “debating” you’re congratulating Rye on, the whole strategy for getting eyeballs and money.

Now playing

It’s glorious. Another favorite is this one:

I was in a restaurant yesterday, just wanted to relax and look at my email, had ordered and was chilling out at a table that I had chosen that was admittedly away from the rest of the crowd - and a woman walked to the back of the restaurant and decided to use the table smack next to me to change her kid’s diaper. No

From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.

Please sit in your car with the engine running, in your garage with the garage doors closed, and think for as long as your tiny shitbrain is capable of doing so, about the very stupid thing you’ve posted.

Ohhhh I get it, you *don’t* care then. And are therefore just trying to get a rise out of the evil SJW’s who are destorying your world. Fight on brave warrior.

Well in this timeline, the joker is basically the president. No need to crash a party full of your supporters and people pretending to hate you!

The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?

Also if the two of them ran for office, Pop would be the leftist advocating for single payer while Kerr is the the meticulously groomed neoliberal centrist hack.

If this is truly how you feel, then what’s the point of having males and females compete separately?

That’s a shit take

According to Berhe, Wright paid the $632.08 fare and a $300 tip. Maybe just rent a car next time?


Reading the comments from the previous article (and I’m willing to bet this article as well) I just have to repeat the fact that I’m positive I would not get along with the majority of the people who read this site. It’s really easy to spout off with meaningless platitudes about “art” and how sacred art is when there

PLEASE... I’ve lost track of how many times those two have done the Cannes red carpet together. Do better ;)

Yes. Yes he is.

I’m sad only because we won’t get to experience the joy of finding out he died ever again.