How much does Samsung pay for a position like yours?
How much does Samsung pay for a position like yours?
I don’t get it, but I have to admit that I love nothing more than petty baseball beef over “unwritten rules.” It’s so fucking stupid, and I just love to watch grown-ass men lose their goddamn minds over whether someone’s bunt challenges their manhood or whether a stolen base when you’re up (or down! Baseball’s weird…
“Just shows me what they got over there.”
That’s nothing, the Giants hold a AAA outfield meeting every game.
It’s actually a peninsula.
Not only was her book not a hit, but it was also roundly criticized as being the epitome of using every clueless White Savior tropes in the book.
And then the next day when they delete everything they posted and announce they’re “taking a break from Facebook.”
I know Zuck tries to tell us Facebook/social media is going to change the world, build stronger connections, and make everything better.
I’ll fight you.
You’ve never been more wrong in your life.
No, you’re wrong.
This is the worst take and you should be ashamed.
Ashley makes it look so easy. Then again, when it comes to always finding a Trump tweet that 100% contradicts a present-day Trump tweet, maybe it really is easy.
Also not a good look: saying shit like “sob like a woman.”
I remember when DADT got repealed, and people out in the real world freaked the fuck out. In the military, we all just... continued going to work and getting things done, and our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters were happier, more productive Soldiers because they didn’t have to live a lie. I’ve yet to see a…
I don’t have a lot of friends in the military (thanks for your service, by the way!) but most of them have had the same answer about, well, anything related to GLBTQ or women in the service: “are they a good, capable soldier? Then I don’t care.”
Patrick has been fired for not referencing the extensive real-world history of ballistas being used to kill flame-breathing magical lizards the size of 747s.
If you are stupid enough, in America’s moral climate, to do *anything* that might even *hint* at being questionable on a state/employer/whoeverthefuckcanbeFOIAed phone, you deserve every ounce of idiocy that will rain down on your idiot head for being an idiot.
Well he is a guy who was cool voting for legislation that would strip healthcare coverage from millions of Americans forcing them to choose between dying horrible deaths or bankrupting their families so I get why people may feel a certain way about this.