
Have you tried crying about it?

I hope you and your family all die a painful, slow death. Your entire bloodline should be wiped out.

The term PED is such a blanket that is covers everything from anabolics to blood doping shit. Some of it compromises systems, others can enhance them. A lot of PEDs athletes take are actually geared towards recovery. That LGD stuff that Noah got popped for is a slightly anabolic SARM, but it’s real benefit is not

GoRuck GR1

GoRuck GR1

If Nicki hits back it better be over The Takeover beat or I’m not listening.

I just bought the Axel from West Elm. I love it. It’s stiff but that’s what I like. My girlfriend hates it because she likes couches that feel like they are just a pile of blankets.

Why wouldn’t he? I can’t even begin to imagine how delicious their mayonnaise sandwiches are; that isn’t something you just give up.

Very different content than the Briebart article with the same title.

I got the pleasure of seeing him play while he was at the U. It was a sight to behold.

Price is showing $130

Price is showing $130

Pretty easy to say anything with a straight face when that is how your doctor sewed it on.

From what he’s shown is he is just a fairly average fucking dick.

Always a skateboarder first to me.

I think Spark has been a great Mailbox alternative.

Try Spark.

Spark. I’ve been using since Mailbox died. I am happy.

You know it’s not real right? I’ve had multiple friends go on three judge shows with fake stories to get money and a free trip to L.A. (The shows pay you and your judgement if you loose)

He won that gold medal with broken vertebrae in his neck.

Utter trash.