Lollys Stokeworth Blackwater

And therein you found the meaning of life. #TheEnd

I would be comfortable in saying she lacks any kind of discernible sense of self awareness.

The Silicon Valley types love to self fellate themselves into this delusion that because they work harder than everyone they deserve more than everyone even though they just tick away at a computer keyboard while their wage slaves in China use nerve destroying chemicals to build bullshit that runs their shitty

Panties on the flo. Awesome stuff.

I’m with you, buddy. This is too white trash even for me.

Never underestimate the Dub T Mafi-ya!

Or Zara.

Or $120 at most at Zara. Zara had this last season and it went on sale for $60. Of course, it wasn’t made out of dead skin and bleached pubic hair like the authentic one above, but it was markedly cheaper and gave the same effect for cosplay (if that’s your thing).

Elon Musk is a fuck widget compared to Howard Hughes.

It would be ok if it wasn’t so lazy.

You never know, he could get laid.

I HATE NYNAEVE! Worst character in a book ever.

No, it’s not even close. Your understanding of Maoism is facile at best if you think participating in global capitalism was the means with which he hoped to achieve these ends. Additionally, China’s military technology is woefully dated. Few aircraft carriers. But they do tout their new “carrier destroyer” missile

There’s so much elegance in that name I’m shocked LVMH hasn’t made his parents an offer.

How lame is it to call yourself Lord anything let alone to call yourself that in a country that actually has said Lords?

China today is not even close to what Mao envisioned. The “great leap forward” was about industrial and military might, not manufacturing iPhones and bullshit Mario knockoffs. Mao would purge these people from society so quickly your head would spin.

I <3 you too honey.

AKA if this ho ain’t jealous he ain’t for me!

Different strokes but we all know we pick our mates based on the convergence of our closest girlfriends’ preferences and/or likes.

The viral metrics don’t pan out. This plan was scuttled by the Taylor Swift oversight board.