Lollys Stokeworth Blackwater


It’s not so much that James Corden is bad, it is that English humor gets old after a while. There’s only so many variations of saying shit with an English accent, remarking on the obvious, and playing with puns that would normally be dad jokes but because you’re English they pass that society can handle. James Corden

Goofy af.

This all day. And I see Chrono Trigger. My brain is just fucked by this game.

<3. Because the waiter is on the frontline of corporate purchasing. What a douche Adrian is.

I see all 12. Then again, I specialize in Chinese and Japanese language, where tiny dots, slashes, breathes make all the difference in a character.

You know why I believe you? Because the whole game is underwhelming so this is just maintaining that theme.

Bye Leafy! Fuck you!

Phantasma-fucking-goria. I’m so there.

He is the distillation of white privilege in its purest, most moronic incarnation.

Me too girl

NO HE DOES NOT HOW DARE YOU! “Kemal Pamuk” makes me orgasm with a gaze.

Oh come join the #thirst brigade! I swear I feel like they could put Jonah Hill up there and there’d be chicks all over that like #glazemydonut hot stuff!!!! #HOTHOTHOT and I’m like gag.

Thank you for this. How #thirsty are we bitches if we can’t even properly evaluate.

Counterpoint: no.

Also: “Hulk Hogan can’t clean this can out quick enough! What a circle jerk.” Enjoy shilling for chicks that give you blowjobs, Kotaku. Enjoy the new future that awaits you. #GamerGate

Lol whatever dickless. You act like the crowd influences my opinions on life? Just because a bunch of beta males want justification for their misery doesn’t mean I’m wrong. #SorryNotSorry #MeThinksURaTwat #MeThinksYouCouldntSatisfyThisShit41Minute

God it looks like they’re both tubby gingers. Graham cracker loving!

I’m sure he’d let you know that was his girlfriend within 30 seconds of meeting him. You know how they do when they finally catch one.

I was just waiting for the John Cena comparison we are apt to get with his articles. “Barack Obama opened a new school today. And as I was typing up this post, a guy on the subway was like ‘woah, bro, are you John Cena?’”