Lollys Stokeworth Blackwater

Anybody who "lectures" a waiter, about anything at all, is a tool. Give your order and shut up.

I absolutely 100% cannot get into the series because I feel like I’m playing Dragon Ball Z: Sword & Magic Edition. I’ve tried and I just can’t turn off that part of my brain so I completely understand where you’re coming from.

Yeah I have never liked this guy’s character designs.

Anyone else think these kids act like a bunch of bitches? Seriously... turning down a guaranteed college scholarship and a chance to play D-1 Football because someone thought you went to a fucking BBQ , was trying to be nice and sent you a thank you note?

I see headline, and I think “White Privilege.”

I am half joking, but a divorce may be necessary.

I saw the trailer and immediately thought it was advertising.

So it’s a basically a replica of the jacket from my early 20's that cost around $150 that goes for an embellished douche bag price of $1,300. Unfreakenbelievable, I can’t wrap my head around the pricing except fanboyism that this company is preying upon.

Howard Hughes achieved a fuck-ton of stuff. I think musk still has a bit of catching up to do.

Yes, Marvel. That’s the answer. Replace every major character in your universe with a black/Asian/Female/Gay alternative. Do it all at once. Because inventing original, compelling characters with these traits is hard. It’s better to just alienate your long-time fans so you can look like you’re totally on board the

A preemptive, self-anointed white knighting. Fascinating...

Dear Arden,

That’s a low blow and I love it.

I know I’m gonna catch hell for this but I’m just so sick of Taylor Swift. Like, Kardashian-level exhaustion.

When the dust settles. . . I want Lyanna Mormont on the Iron Throne at the end of GoT.

What..have you ever had acid? This sounds like you’re basing the comment on other people’s hearsay.

Those were garbage compared to 2. I want to be a fluffer and ride in a Scientology rocket.

Dunno. They are alright, but I still feel they’re far from Fallout 3's dlc’s.

That’s not a basic MMO function, you monster. It’s a basic JRPG function, but I’ve not played many MMOs that have had an optimum gear option.

They also stopped making sense. I couldn’t understand jack of what was going on, not what the hell a L’Cie was until I read the bestiary and lore for FFXIII.