Lollys Stokeworth Blackwater

His body ruins it for me but then again I like meat.

Eh he’s a fancy version of a scraggly dock worker.

Basically being an entitled white girl? “But me?!?!!?”

Someone prettier.

She’s fake as shit. To hell with her.

Lancel and Cersei send their regards.

Humans of New York, the Thug Kitchen of general appropriation.

My favorite line: “You always were a quiet one.”

Ah yes the classic video game nerd comment. It’s like the stereotype that all potheads are losers or that every psychedelic experience is like dropping acid. No, it’s not.

Not that I like Taylor Swift or anything but Katie Perry looks like she’s packing heat. Nothing wrong with that. But just something I think of every time I see her.

Aren’t we currently a Kardashev type 1 civilization? “Guillermo A. Lemarchand stated this as “A level near contemporary terrestrial civilization with an energy capability equivalent to the solar insolation on Earth, between 1016 and 1017 watts.”

Is it just me or are all of these companies half made-up shell games in which these tight networks of friends buy and sell each other’s bullshit company, gradually working their way up the food chain until they lead companies like Yahoo and then can really help the family cash in? I’m sorry but I don’t have a lot of

I knowwwwww...They’re different games entirely. But Fallout 2 forever

I feel like it’s all soulless as fuck compared with 3 and NV.

The moment I stopped playing FF XIII is when Vanille went on some diatribe about the Fal’Cie, the L’Cie, and something else -see and I thought I was having a stroke. I just shut that shit off right there.

E’s got giant’s blood in em that one does. - #RIP #Osha4Ever


Reality check douche twat: you play video games and people give you money. Shut the fuck up. You’re not some valiant culture warrior and not everyone’s experience is your experience. I don’t know if I would have questioned my life before, but after giving five bucks to this butt nugget I probably would commit suicide.

God as my witness I’ve seen visa versa used in writing as well.

Wow that is lame af