Lollys Stokeworth Blackwater

Fascist shits like this guy are the reason Republicans are enlisting progressive-leaning waffle fucks to their insanity.

This is the hottest shit I’ve read all day.

Please let Ollie get his little fucker throat ripped out.

I can’t, you’re too cool and outside of the mainstream for my puny BASIC bitch brain to handle.

Stop working for the mainstream media you shillbot! Bernie is a saint.

That stupid bitch 1) shouldn’t be allowed to run because she’s a she and 2) she’s a stupid hateful bitch anyway so she just sucks #amirite? #AnyManWillDo

“That’s lady’s business. I’m here to talk about men shit, like running the country. You want to know how to file paperwork, ask my secretary.” #AnyManWillDo

I know, rite? Like all you old ladies just go out and get some dick, like I do at Bernie rallies.

You’re like so ununderstandinglingly.

You get your surly ass back in the kitchen and quit your bitchin’. White men made this world, they will continue to run this world. You will be grateful for the rights we deign to give to (and take from) you. This isn’t your game. The time of the bitch brigade is over. We are taking back the DNC. We are taking back

Fuck that old cunt, #amirite? #AnyManWillDo #MRM #MakeAmericaWhiteMaleAgain

I love the bitch who talks about Hillary unleashing her 40+ year old women to get her to vote for Hillary. Can’t wait until you’re a 40+ woman who gets dumped to the curb once her husband starts feeling a different kind of burn.

In response to these allegations the mother affirmed that she’s a “good person” and hence not responsible for anything ever.

You’re clearly not supporting Eskalith enough.

I am in awe. I really have to admit this is one of the few times #blessed can be used in my life without irony. I love Fallout, I love BIG. Thank you gaming.

I think about this stuff way too much so I can see how I missed that. I am intrigued by Europa, but the presence of Jupiter makes anything but exploration by robots difficult.

The Europa colonies? Are we going to live inside of lead huts? The radiation alone would kill us all. At least that’s what I remember learning.

When your supporters are a bunch of neck beards on reddit that give themselves self-styled ranks like Lance Corporal First Knight Bernie Sanders brigade, what do you expect?

It is Kotaku after all, the cesspool of gaming journalism, birthplace of gamergate.

I like you.