Lollys Stokeworth Blackwater

Is it inaccurate? Nope? Ok.

Tyrion rules. No, Drew’s just being a c*nt about a man with a whole lot more money (and probably everything else he could fantasize about) than he will ever have. #sorrynotsorry

When you look at how Korea treats their cultural products (movies, music, etc.) and then you look at Japan and how it treats its cultural products (outside of video games) then you quickly realize that Japan either doesn’t have enough confidence in what it produces or just thinks white people (or whatever) can’t

I think games like this should be a wake up call to all the shit mobile games being developed. Would I pay a little bit more to open up more of Stardew’s world? Yes. I’d probably pay for a lot of dumb shit in this game. Why? Because it’s a fucking game, as opposed to all this copycat tap-tap garbage that makes me weep

I love that this worthless comment has 400 something stars. Hulk Hogan can’t clean this can out quick enough! What a circle jerk.

Number 1, thank you for recognizing who I am. I have used this shit for years and no one has recognized me (this is the story of my life). Bronn taught me much. Yes Lollys would say this ;).

Oh Dusty disregard that response, I responded to someone else. Will you marry me? We’re on the same page. When I read “The best part will be when she looks you in the eyes with that sad desperate look with a face that’s beaten to shit from her hard lifestyle and says “we should get back together”(skip this next step

I’m really not shocked. The first move of any beta is to discount independent and strong willed action and opinions, no matter the gender - and always in a safe space with like-minded people. That’s why the problem perpetuates itself.

Exactly. But an alpha male would pump and dump that bitch so quick. Sorry not sorry but it is, at the end of the day, about having some notion of self worth.

As a non-lesbian woman, I don’t want a girlfriend. I’m just trying to tell you boys what’s up. If you wanna fall in love with silly abusive girls then that’s your MO. Just don’t bring it here for sympathy.

I’m a woman. Getting some good dick from a man that doesn’t take bullshit never goes out of style.

I’m a woman.

If you took that seriously you have problems.

Captain Throwrug needs to man the fuck up like five years ago. This is why God invented masturbation, so you can avoid these awful decisions.

Grow a dick. This is why she doesn’t like you. You don’t have a dick. I’m sure this “C” guy gives it to her like she dishes it out and that’s what she craves. I’m just amazed someone can be this dickless. Call it love, call it sex, but let’s call a spade a spade - you need to alpha up your beta game. Praise Jebus I’ve

#ImWithHer then she was told not to vote with her stupid fat vagina and then was told the white mens is over thur so she went all voting with her vagina ala Gloria Steinem and chose Jesus’ inspiration.

Illuminating, isn’t it?

I’m with you Legless. One of the most precious things I’ve seen in a while.

They always drop prices around holiday periods.

#truestory, Lollys here had a sex dream about mister “Dreamboat.” Was so upset that he was the star of the show. We cuddled. It was awful.