Lollys Stokeworth Blackwater

He surely shan’t.

To all the women out there willingly getting on their back for this creature (like they’ve won some great competition): fuck you. Just fuck you. You’re the reason men like this exist. Close the trap, watch the snap back. Come on ladies. Have standards. - Love, A Woman Who Prefers to Be On Her Back

Did the consultant previously work for L Ron Hubbard Teaching Technologies, LLC?

It didn’t. This is a fair complaint. I thought this was some social experiment.

Don Lemon is like Trevor Noah, he makes someone somewhere feel better about being a white oppressive patriarch so we all suffer as a consequence.

You missed the amazingly basic minecraft feature a while back. If I were one of those dedicated compulsive builders, I would have given up the ghost after that post. Literally featured the smallest dinkiest bullshit ever like it was a new thing. No one’s ever done it before!

Lindsay Lohan - the embodiment of the phrase “glorified white trash.”

I hate the damn Kinja daily deals. No quicker way to flush this site’s faux liberalism down the toilet than that mess.

I’m sorry, but the statue makes this a masterpiece. It’s the wedding cake of skyscrapers. You won’t have heads a-spinnin’ without a touch of Lenin.

Amen. ;)

Ah yes. The second story is familiar to all who have worked in food service. The white trash Christian church group that doesn’t want to tip, acts like heathens, and do the best job of promoting atheism of any group on the planet.

Intensely ethnic! That’s an award winning example of white privilege there!

Some people think the “death of the middle class” is a tragedy. I read stories like this and I find a silver lining to that passing.

They will continue their spiral into irrelevance. Let’s just hope that apps don’t replace them.

He has maintained his awkward and reflexively standoffish response mechanism, that’s for sure. I’m most disturbed that he procreated. Well, I’m not sure if it’s that, or that someone joined him in this act. I can’t imagine making babies with someone so frustrated by a phenomenon that has been with us for close to two

The entire thing read like some whiny asshole’s self-satisfied rant after this line.

Thank you! I was about to say shit maybe I should start posting my Geometry palaces all over the place.

I love your comment. Even turds need warmth. Hence: turd blanket.

PCs are amazing. That’s why all the developers make all their games PC first.

I don’t normally agree with this sentiment but this is a case of buyer beware for sure. Anyone that promises a “anything” successor to one of the best tactical RPGs of all time should be taken with more than a grain of salt. Square doesn’t churn out its hits, its garbage, and its middle road stuff without throwing