Lollys Stokeworth Blackwater

I almost shit my pants on this comment. Think of the children. :)

Nothing better to prove your opponent is a superior creature than resorting to ad hominem. This poor woman sounds like she has a sad, sad, SAD life. Sad life. I can’t imagine being so enthralled with multi-billion dollar corporations as to lose all sense of myself in this world.

You mean this isn’t enough to default nominate a socialist?

Hung trousers.

These are the same women who pretend to like video games, heavy metal, or whatever overly masculine nonsense. Not that there’s anything wrong with that at all - quite the opposite. But don’t think we don’t all notice you’re the one chick at a sausage convention - meaning? You couldn’t compete in the real leagues so

Don’t worry - if anything happens to them they will sue the shit out of everyone. Until then, awww precious little selfish people.

The follow up ad should show the absolute genocide the United States would unleash upon every person in that region because of that “one nuclear weapon.” I don’t get Republicans - we can have the bomb and everyone else just has to “trust us.” Yeah, that doesn’t work irl and it doesn’t work in the world of global

Some people are saddened by the death of the middle class. I am not one of those people. Nothing like the service industry to make you hate humanity.

Dub T Mafi-A!

God, is Lindsey Lohan the long-lost daughter of Trash Heap from Fraggle Rock? She never fails to look like absolute garbage.

So many hearts your way. TRUE!!! Now I’ll be called a femi-nazi.

Maurice Druon’s series is worth reading if you like the political intrigue but don’t want the the T&A. There are hints of magic in it. Thanks for your response!

Actually, for ASoIAF, I thought his inspiration was the series by Maurice Druon? Second, are you making an argument that ASOIAF is not fantasy, but rather science fiction? I’m baffled at the “cognitive toolkits of SF and historical fiction.” You mean, the cognitive toolkits of literature in general? Going by your

Is Hearthstone play to win? Like, in all honesty? Because this isn’t really shocking if that’s the case. The whole game seems to be about spending money.

Interesting that Scollay Square is in the game since now Scollay Square is the soulless urban void known as Government Center. Either place would be a great post apocalyptic setting I guess. I’m assuming Scollay Square’s history as the red light district is why it’s in the game.

Yes. The refrain of losers everywhere. Salieri thought Mozart wasn’t doing music properly, either. I’d be shocked if you know who he is, which says everything about his proper musical style.

Kinja deals. I’d never noticed that before. I just lol’d really hard. Excuse me.

Kinja deals. I’d never noticed that before. I just lol’d really hard. Excuse me.

Poseur posing so hard.

You’re fifth column.

This is after the Republican you assume is going to win has destroyed the Obama legacy and stacked the Supreme Court with garbage neo-cons. But, yes, #anythingotherthanhillary. Right? Right.