Lollys Stokeworth Blackwater

This is laughable.

So, first ladies pass legislation now? I had no idea of the power that office wielded.

“Well when you set me up with questions like ‘you’ve been beating your wife for years so when are you going to stop beating your wife’” is perhaps one of the longest Freudian slips ever. Dismissive of women as a class of people? Yes. Would rather be with Charlie Rose in a Laz-E-Boy chair having a deeper conversation,

HTML is getting really powerful but remains a "mark up language" - designed for the processing, definition and presentation of text.

Also, corollary to that: Not every gay man wants your penis. In fact, most don't. Just like the women.

I love your style.

You're really not understanding. He doesn't value others' at all so threatening him because he has done something to others is illogical in his world. Other people don't matter.

He reads like a sociopath from beginning to end.

It's the typical thought pattern of a sociopath.

I think of Gawker as the most amoral, sociopathic thing on the internet. I'm convinced this website would slit throats for a good story. At least TMZ pays!

I think it's obvious the author has never worked towards anything but rather has allowed his or her shitty personality to coalesce into a festering sociopathic wart.

Typically the laws of the nation in which the plane is registered are the laws that govern the behavior of the crew and people on the plane on international flights.

Eh, I'm pretty certain that plane operates under the laws of South Korea, as Buffalo319 says.

I feel like the FAA might not have legal power in Seoul, South Korea.