
My mom had a baby ring made for me when I was born (I was “the baby that cost $10,000" - my parents had a difficult time conceiving). I spent 10 years apart from her (custodial kidnapping) and so when we were reunited, she gave me the ring - she had been wearing it as a necklace every day that I was gone. I wear it

Aw, and your user name is the best! Yes, you’re going to make someone very happy one day. Having taste and common sense does not make you pretentious :)

You are very lucky :) I hope my guy talks to my mom and goes to the jeweler who made some important/nice pieces for my family... but if it’s this current guy doing the proposing, I’d be lucky to get an onion ring ;) Congrats to you and your sweetie!

Straight boys don’t know jewelry. Or how to live life. I date mostly men, and even my very competent boyfriend is not very competent. So some bloke wants to propose to his girlfriend and has no idea what he’s doing, hears a radio ad and goes to Kay or Jared or some other crap place, spends way too much money, and gets

The funny thing is that there has been a push for YEARS to put Tubman on the $20 bill. Our gov’t responded by offering us the $10. John Oliver made a good joke about it, saying “and then as usual, women are offered half of what they asked for.”

Daisy Ridley needs to get a new person to do her social media posts - she’s clearly wearing cat-eye liner under a banner that says “#nomakeup.” Smh

Haha, true that. But it’s kind of like having homemade jam and then someone handing you Smuckers - I just know how good the desert can be!

It’s literally off an exit ramp on a derby field. I’m biased because I go to Joshua Tree frequently. It’s so pristine and perfect that on the drive back, when my partner pointed out the fair grounds, I literally cringed. Like, “oh, this is what city people think ‘remote’ means”

Haha, I thought Dan Savage only fielded gay men’s issues?

Clinton has some questionable policies, but she has foreign affairs experience and she gets shit done. Also, I want to have a daughter. And I want her to grow up in a world where she could be president. Pretty sure my kid won’t, I’m such a liberal fuck, but I want that opportunity. People of color, my lesbian mom, and

Are you voting for Clinton? I was always going to vote for her, but now because of these rabid, obsessive boys who have adopted this very sexist rhetoric and are voting for Bernie, and the gendered language that has surrounded her campaign - there’s a part of me voting for her out of spite. I just hate this

Fuck this! I’ve been hit before and it is so painful to have your abuser’s family come to their defense calling you crazy. I’m not crazy. Does the bruise the size of a baseball on my backside make me crazy? Or the bruises on my wrists or back from when he choked me make me crazy? How about the time he pushed me

I like your user name :)

Girl, tell me about it. This guy is pretty great, but the guys who came before? Well, after a lot of bruises, a restraining order, and so many tears, trust is pretty hard for me. One guy in particular, M, was also a Coachella fan and played the “there’s no reception out here!” card when we were dating. This guy is not

Yeah :( But we’re pretty new (we’re celebrating our one year next month) and he had already bought his ticket before we met. So it’s fair, just not ideal. He does other bros before hoes shit, but since we’ve talked about it, he’s mostly knocked it off. Thanks for the birthday wishes :)

He already promised this was the last year for exactly that reason - and because he wants to use his PTO differently (like going to Alaska with me next summer). Whew!

That is a great idea! He plans on texting me anyway, so I’ll ask him. Thank you so much!

I am not a Coachella person. My partner is. He’s going to be gone on my 25th birthday. I dislike most of his (latently racist, sexist, heteronormative) friends (many of whom have substance abuse issues), and I’m very mad at him for leaving for a week. Although, I’m hopelessly in love with him and by and large he’s a

I’m pretty sure we have open Presidential primaries in California (all on one ballot), and closed primaries for everything else. PBS said that, anyway...

Tapatio, everything else is garbage