
I feel the same way! Women, LGBT folks, and people of color are only considered “cool” if we participate in our own oppression by laughing at asinine jokes to protect the fragile egos of our oppressors. I’m in a great place where I no longer do this and drop friends like a hot potato when they attempt these “ironic”

I would say that when you love someone, you love them forever. Love, or what we articulate as love, is a manifestation of many things: neurohormones, time, space, serendipity, nostalgia. The lack of love is a feeling, too: the space around something that once existed. It shaped you, changed your trajectory, if even

I work in video, audio enhancement done by fans is not gonna be accurate (in audio like this, usually scraps and room tone are cobbled together as filler/for effect). Also, the POV motif has been applied to multiple characters, it doesn’t really mean anything. It could be Glenn, but the evidence you’re throwing down

When Rick said, in his “let’s go kill the Saviors” pitch, “some of us are going to die” the camera was on Abraham and stayed there for an exceptionally long time. It really could be him

Didn’t even think of that! Denise took the bullet... er, arrow... for him earlier in the season, that would make sense. I was thinking Daryl because 1) he doesn’t exist in the comics, 2) they’ve been teasing us all season with Glenn’s near death experiences (so it’s not him), and 3) Norman Reedus has a ton of new

I feel very strongly that Daryl got the axe... or bat, in this case. Yay or nay?

I think you already answered your own question: your friend has parents and origins that tie her to a culture that is hers, Dolezal does not. So her experiences of being black rested on a false premise and will not have the same effect as on your friend who was the way she was from birth. It’s these formative

Of course A WHITE WOMAN would say this - “it’s just one human race, y’all! Race doesn’t matter, we can all be whatever we want!”

He’s getting married, what makes you think he’s gay? Is there some juicy gossip I’m missing out on? What do you think about Kevin Spacey?

Omg, they closed the bridge for this?? I’m glad they did it, but the traffic must have been backed all the way down W Grand. I wonder if my friend got caught in it leaving my house...

I grew up in NorCal, so it’s hard to imagine being outside of that experience. Pot has always just sort of been around. I knew what it smelled like long before I tried it. (BTW, it tastes nothing like cigarettes.) Depending on where you live, you kind of just have to ~know~ someone who will sell you weed. I have a

I don’t believe you, but... Weed is great. I started smoking when I was 17 - I don’t get all fanboy about it, but it’s, for me, a nicer way to relax at the end of the day than having a glass of wine. I have trouble sleeping (and eating sometimes), so I’ll get home after work, pack a bowl, turn on some crappy tv, make

It was a pound of pot - so think Saran-wrapped brick of marijuana. I would be stoked, too, but conspicuous bricks of pot tend to attract 1) the cops or 2) its rightful owner (mid-level drug dealer). I’m not about to toke up with that possibility hanging over me 😳

Totally feel you. But, as a daughter of a radical lesbian feminist who grew up during the Stonewall Riots, the AIDS scare, and Roe v Wade, there is a valid feeling about bisexual folks and trans people (and an enduring presence of maleness in all spheres of life) “taking away” spaces. Like, duh, we need inclusivity.

This. So much. Like diapers and their correlation to continued poverty, there are things that do not fit in to common sense thinking, but are such important revelations. Thanks for the info :)

Exactly - for most of the population, this will be the case. Except for the people who have an underlying, undiagnosed condition that LSD is known to exacerbate, like schizophrenia or bipolar II. Sounds like this could have been the case here.

The Indian Child Welfare Act is overall a very good one - and very important. But once a kid has been with a family for 5 years, since before she can remember, and if she is getting appropriate cultural education, removing her from her family is only going to serve to fuck her up. That’s where this law needs reform.

I like this joke - not only because it’s funny Romney made it up, but because it strongly implies a rape-y mail order bride thing that is soo humiliating, especially for a man as egocentric as Trump. Could Romney make an incest joke about Trump next time?

Oh, I actually think this is quite sweet. Like, he’s a monster, but it’s sweet

Haha, yup! Cringing slightly because of how TRUE this is